"Been There" Virtual Travel Quiz. Round #2
Please make your entry a reply to this thread.
Please review the rules before you submit, especially concerning multiple entries- see #7 below. And don't forget, you must have solid answers to your own questions.
Da rules:
- Photo(s) must have been taken by the poster or spouse during a Tauck tour. Please, no commercial or internet photos allowed.
- Everyone is invited to guess- only one guess per family, per round.
- The original poster will acknowledge a correct guess.
- If there are no correct guesses and/or no correct answers to supplemental questions, after three days, the original poster will provide the answer(s), so each round doesn't run too long. Please be nice and resolve disputes over answers via PM.
- As the defacto administrator, I will start a new thread for each new Round once each original poster has acknowledged or provided the correct answers.
- To give everyone a shot, I'm asking the original poster to wait until six additional rounds have been completed before posting again- we'll see how this goes.
- If two submissions are made at nearly identical times, to prevent confusion I'll ask the second poster to delete and resubmit for a subsequent round. I don't have forum ADMIN privileges so can't delete it for you (click on the gear at the top right corner of your post and select "delete"). I will attempt to ensure your submission is included in the next round- I'll ask for it in the first post of that round.
Please, let's not submit photos that are too esoteric or too lacking in informative details. And don't forget, you must be ready with solid answers to your own questions.
Again, I don't live on this site, so please have some patience.
OK, clear as mud?
READY, SET, GO!!! Add your Round #2 submission as at reply now!
This photo was taken on our 2nd Tauck trip on February 19th 2017. What is this and where is it?
Argh. Well I knew this was going to happen. You guys are just too quick. I'll let Smiling Sam and JohnS entries run concurrently in this thread. Hopefully, Sam's will show up shortly.
Oh, and it is the "Not so Mahal" Taj.

Many of us unfortunately have a lot of time on our hands right now.
And the Taj Mahal is in Agra (a frequent NYT crossword puzzle clue) . Tomb of Mumtaz Mahal the favorite wife of emperor Shah Jahan.
One clue - it is not the Taj Mahal. Correct part of the world.
I believe it is Humayun's Tomb, in Delhi
Alan - Didn't know how to delete my post on the other thread so I just reposted here.

Where was this picture taken?
The vessel in the picture is a prop in a famous movie.
a) What movie?
b) What was the purpose of the vessel?
JohnS- do we have a winner (Smiling Sam)?
Folks, the second quiz of Round #2 by Smiling Sam is still in play.
We have a winner! Smiling Sam is correct. I took this photo in Delhi on our Northern India and Nepal trip in February 2017.
Humayun's tomb ( Hindustani: Maqbara-i Humayun) is the tomb of the Mughal Emperor Humayun in Delhi, India. The tomb was commissioned by Humayun's first wife and chief consort, Empress Bega Begum (also known as Haji Begum), in 1569-70, and designed by Mirak Mirza Ghiyas and his son, Sayyid Muhammad
Do we have a winner for the first photo? I just reviewed my India photos and agree that it is Humayun's Tomb located in New Dehli
Thanks, John!
Ok folks, we are still trying to figure out the famous movie and the purpose of the boat featured boat in that movie in Smiling Sam's photo.
Oh, I forgot to add, using my friend Google, I know the answers! "famous movie" might be a bit of a stretch.
Hint: a crew of quite lovely "oarsmen" propelled the boat.
Correct you are. For us fans of the main character, they are all famous movies. Does your post count as an answer or a hint?
Just a hint.
Your response was a bigger hint. Lets let this play out and see what others come up with.
I’m having real trouble logging into the forum like a couple of months ago, wondering if this is a problem for others and why the forum is so quiet. I of course know the answer to your first quiz Alan but could not log in yesterday. After lots of trial and error I just got on.
This is a great idea Alan.
No clue about the movie it’s too early in the morning for me.
I experienced the log-in problem a few days ago as well. I did the old log out, log in, register thing and it has been working fine ever since. There may have been a Tauck software hiccup or some issue with cookies, etc. who knows.
As far as solving the Round #2(B) movie/boat, question- you first need to think about what exotic locations Tauck visits, what famous (I would say "popular" versus "famous") movies have have been shot there (this one should be evident by the architecture), and then then spend some time trying different Google searches.
Since we are into Day 2, in addition what I just said, I'll add another (esoteric) hint: "not my family's vegetable."
As Alan says this is Day 2, so I will also add a hint to the movie, assuming once you get that you should be able to determine the location and the purpose of the vessel. A Faberge Egg and a circus play a large part in the plot of the movie.
That hint gave it away for me. Octopussy and Udaipur.
Correct, but what was the boat used for?
Uggggghhhhhh! You got there before me. I knew it had to be a James Bond Movie if it featured a crew of quite lovely "oarsmen" propelling the boat. Good one.
You got me on that one. And googling Octopussy boat only brings up the yacht.
I declare this one DONE. Stand by for the answer and the opening of Round #3 now Round #4! (just a few minutes.)