Ultimate Travel for High Rollers
I know this isn't a Tauck travel thing, but when I received this (from A&K) and saw the price I had to post it to make sure some of our longtime Taucktourian High Rollers: AlanS, British, Sealord, BKMD, Mil, CathyandSteve, etc. were aware of this travel opportunity. 😂
PS - Sorry if I left off any other High Rollers!
The Four Seasons offers a similar journey (with similar pricing I believe) with a stay at one of their properties at each location visited.
All those time changes and day changes would exhaust me. Isn’t it better to fly west rather than East to avoid jet lag or does it really matter? I would have to win a lottery for this trip although I have a friend who did this with National Geographic.
Smiling Sam- Very interesting but I would think it would be exhausting to fly to so many countries in such a short time.
Noreen - Anyone that can afford that tour probably travels with a personal physician, personal chef, personal valet, etc. to keep them rested and rejuvenated at all times.
In the category of " if you have to ask you can't afford it" is the $153,900 per person? 48 guests times $153,900 = $7,387,200. Or more if you have single travelers. Maybe just buy your own private jet.
I think British or someone else posted about this a few years ago. At that time the tour was actually lead by Geoffrey Kent, the owner of A&K (read about him here: https://www.abercrombiekent.com/news/press-releases/2012/03/12/geoffrey-kent-founder-executive-chairman ). Also, they had private helicopters to take you from the airport/airfield to the sites. But it all seems a bit rushed- all in just 24 days! I don't like the choice of locations either.
I'm sure the rate shown is per person, double occupancy since the single supplement is $19.5K. (if all singles you must add $19,500 X 48 = $936,000 ). You can see more places at a more leisurely pace, fly in first /business, etc. on multiple Tauck Tours for less money and with fewer people!!! While layflat seats are nice, I still prefer a hotel room.
Just about cheaper to do tours separately. I’ve already been to Japan, India and Italy, no interest in Uzbekistan, have Jordan and several Arab country already booked next year. Would like to go to Bhutan and Nepal, but at too high an elevation for us. It would be way more relaxing to do a world cruise where you get around the jet lag slowly. If we find we like our first cruise coming up, we may consider a world cruise.
Smiling Sam - On our last trip with Tauck to Northern Spain we met a single lady that lives in Florida. She has been on twenty-one trips with Tauck and also mentioned her around the world trip with Abercombie and Kent. She recommended Abercrombie and Kent for a trip in the future to Bhutan and Nepal. She will be visiting me in Tucson this fall. Our four upcoming trips next year with Tauck are now beginning to look like a bargain.
You could "train" your body for the trip. Spend a few days in Denver and Colo Sprgs, then spend a few more days in Vail and you should be all set for Nepal, Peru, etc.
But I’ve already been to all those places in Colorado
We “trained” for our Peru trip by hiking on mount Lemmon in Tucson. Not sure it did any good at all haha.
We have friends who did the Four Seasons private jet tour and loved it. But I fully agree that your travel dollar is better spent with Tauck.
Smiling Sam Hi.
Hey, AlanS told me we are all going! , he is inviting us (high rollers) and he's charging everythin to his the American Express Centurion Card, (black card)
I haven't been in Japan or Bhutan yet.
Actually ,the Four Seasons Hotels has a world wide trip on their own plane, it visits about 7 countries and it is way less then A&K.
Noreen, hi.
I personally think A&K it's way overprice and their single supplement a rip-off.
They copy most (90%) of the Tauck's itineraries and use the same hotels for way more and not the best service. a lot of A&K tour D's have switch to Tauck....
mil - thank you. I had no idea but have read some reviews. Some love them and others not so much. f It is an expensive tour but I will look around and see what other companies go to Bhutan and Nepal.
And remember, Bhutan is the land of "gross national happiness."