Unable to post on Forum while traveling
Has anyone else had this problem? I could only reach UK site, not US, and therefore couldn't log on to post. People post from the road all the time, so not sure what was going on.
Btw just back from a week in friendly, laid-back Reykjavik. Very cool in every sense; it never even reached 60°! Wonderful small hotel, leisurely breakfasts: crème brûlée skyr, smoked lamb, crepes & waffles, the famous Icelandic hot dogs, even lemon meringue pie, A great walking town and lots of free summer events (daylight til 11): evening art walks with museum curator; weekend misnamed flea market that is more of a general market featuring local specialties; Sunday afternoon concerts at Nordic House...15 of us in a cozy little greenhouse listened to a singer-songwriter on electric guitar; plenty of museums, sculpture everywhere. Not to mention cucumber-dill gelato to die for! And gotta love Icelandair's on-board gin library...elderflower-jasmine w/echinacea, anyone?
Yes, I've had the same problem trying to get to the forum if I'm out of the US. I believe it's because Tauck blocks anything coming from an IP address out of the US.
Your time in Iceland sounds amazing. Was this self guided or part of a tour?
I've had that problem with email in certain countries as well. You might try changing your port.- oops, never mind, that is for email.
Use a VPN, which you should probably be using anyway if it's an open network.
Claudia, just took a week on my own, was looking for nonstop, relatively short flight. First covid intl. trip. Shades of British, maskless cougher across the aisle on return. I have 2 upcoming domestic Tauck tours, baby steps. Thanks for advice re VPN, BKMD.
MarketArt - When we did the Tauck Iceland tour in 2021 we didn't have any issues reaching or posting to the Tauck forum from either the Tauck hotel in Reykjavik or on the Ponant ship. Perhaps Tauck contracts with the hotel and ship to ensure people can access their website and forum. Or maybe it was just random, dumb luck.
I sometimes have difficulty. It’s quite interesting when you get the UK website when you look at tour prices and don’t realize it is in pounds because they seem so cheap….well until the pound dropped in value opposite the dollar. It’s also fun to see which counties you get the US website in.
On our recent Alaska tour, it did not matter if we were on VPN or not, sometimes it was just there wasn’t continuous wifi. If you get logged out, you sometimes have to be persistent in trying to log in because it doesn’t always recognize your password even the second time of trying. And VPN sometimes blocks the forum anyway.
Don’t remember any problems when we were in a Iceland or the UK
I had trouble when stuck in LHR getting tickets on SAS cuz I was on the UK SAS website and it would not take my U.S. format telephone number. I Googled, “SAS U.S. Website”, and got a link to the U.S. website that worked fine. I did miss getting the flight I wanted, and got the last flight that would get us to the ship in Stockholm.
MarketArt, I had the same problem you had on my last river cruise which included a few days pre cruise in London, all I could get was Tauck UK, was not able to post, even the cruise director had the same problem.
I have never had a problem with posting to the Tauck site from abroad. I haven’t posted that much while traveling so I don’t know if it is a sporadic issue. I do have a VPN which I use while traveling.
Just out of curiosity I logged on to a UK server via a VPN and tried to access the forum site. It would not let me log in. I was able to log in to my Tauck account but not the community forum. On the UK Tauck website there is no link for accessing the forum as there is on the US website. I then went to Germany and Australia (virtually) and it was the same. If one wants to post while outside the US then a VPN is probably the only solution.
Links on the US website.

Links on the UK website.

You can access Tauck and everything is in Pound Sterling.

If you are trying to access the forums from Tauck.com - yes it will redirect you to the UK site. I too found that very annoying. But the work around is to type forums.tauck.com directly into the browser and it will take you directly here. I was able to view and post while sailing down the Danube.
thanks. I'm back home, so can't test it out til prob. next year. will make a note.
NP. It probably would be a good idea to make a bookmark just in case.
Of course, I never thought about it. When I’m not logged in, I always google Tauck forums, that must be the secret.
I posted in Africa every day with no problems.
I couldn't post on the forum when I was in Portugal. Thanks for the tip dogdoctor!
I noticed the switch to the UK site when we were in Portugal after I closed all browser tabs and tried to reopen the Tauck link. My workaround was to use the History search function which let me back in to the US site.
I inquired a couple of months ago with Tauck eSupport. They told me that it was technical limitations and licensing restrictions of the forum software. When I pointed out that I could reach the Forums in Amsterdam but not on the ship, and that other forum members posted while traveling, they were surprised. I just had the same issue, could post in Scotland but not London. I do have forums.Tauck.com bookmarked but still couldn’t make it work.
I’ll loan you my iPad. (;-). I have posted recently in Argentina, aboard Ponant, in Amsterdam, Arusha, Nairobi, and all over Kenya and Tanzania. No problems. I have the Tauck forum on my ‘favorites’ list and just click on the icon. It works most of the time.
Sealord when I was able to get the Wi-Fi to work in Tanzania I could post. However we were too busy most of the time and too tired in the evening to post that’s why I waited until I got home.
It worked fine when I was on a Rhône cruise.
Back to what dogdoctor said above in this thread- while traveling overseas, if you want to go to the forums, DO NOT try to access them via the link at the bottom of the Tauck Homepage because you may be on one of the foreign homepages. Instead go directly to
I use a bookmark on my iPad and a hyperlink icon I made on my laptop's custom home screen (see the travel corner of my home screen below).
A little bit more information:
For security reasons (spam, hacking, etc., etc.) when Tauck developed and transitioned to the new forum software they made the forums completely separate- a totally different site, possibly even on a different server, than the Tauck homepage/website which has user and booking info.
Some of you oldtimers may remember Aussie members, JanDurkin, Ozjohnno, etc. At one time UK and Australian Taucktourians could participate in the forums, but no longer (without using a workaround). That is partially due to both countries having their own versions of the Tauck website. According to one friend, the UK folks, and I assume the Aussies, can access and read the forums, but can not participate- they can not establish an account, log on, nor post.
I use a ‘favorites’ link, and I got into the forum with no problem in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy every day. I did sign into the Tauck website once, and found myself in Tauck UK. I exited and selected Tauck.com and it worked fine.
I also had no problem posting from K/T. The only issue was having the time to do so. Like Sealord, I used the link in my favorites.