Women's dress code

We will be starting the Portrait of India tour on February 15. I have read that women cannot wear sleeveless tops in places of worship. Can they wear them at other times on this tour. My wife would like to know whether to bring any. Thank you.


  • Shouldn't be a problem,.You'll either have to be aware of the day's itinerary or carry a modest layer to cover up.

  • We have traveled many times to visit our families;with our children.For women it is better to have full sleeves of light material so you not only cover the skin but also protect from mosquito bites.

  • MandM

    Here are a few pictures from our tour to show how people dressed. One picture is obviously at the Taj Mahal, the one is at a temple in Udaipur, one on a boat heading to Lake K, and the other in a market.

    As I recall there weren't a lot of visits to typical places of worship (an occasional church, temple, synagogue - but not many). I don't recall visiting any mosques. There seemed to be more tombs, forts, government buildings, wonderful scenery, etc.

    Looking at pictures from throughout my tour it looks like sleeveless tops did get worn from time to time.

  • A picture is worth a thousand words! :D

  • Thanks for everyone's answers. That is the information we were looking for. Seeing the pictures gets us very excited about going.

  • edited February 2023

    Sam - 3 flags and you get to pick from the top row of the stuffed animal prizes.

  • Since we are posting group photos here is our entry from 2017. Our tour director on the bottom center in a sleeveless top.

  • you dress exactly the same as here.
    Take a scarf and cover your shoulders just like you would do at the Vatican, any Mosque etc..

  • The person who stands out is the one that is wearing either shorts or a short skirt, I can’t tell. Personally I do not think that is appropriate for India. When we went, modest clothing was suggested by Tauck so I assume it still is.
    I was reading the clothing suggestions on Tauck for their Japan trip this week and they say that Japanese don’t usually wear shorts or T shirts when out and about. It’s years since I was there so it’s going to be interesting to see what our group wears since our tour of Japan is a three week walking tour so careful packing is a must and shorts may have been easy and lightweight at times.
    Ultimately each individual has to decide what is right for them without being disrespectful to the host country. It certainly really would be good for Americans to be represented in a good light.

  • I’m on Essence of Japan April 9. Not packing any shorts! All long slacks and skirts, along with leggings and tights. One pair of capri slacks should it be a warmer day. It’s very clear online about how to pack in a respectful manner in certain countries.

  • Marla526 - I am on the Japan trip a week before you. I just got my green ebook a few days ago. Here's an excerpt from the clothing section:
    "Shorts (for summer) and pants for casual daytime wear"

    So, apparently there's no issue with shorts in Japan, except it probably won't be shorts weeather in April.

  • In India the less skin you expose the better for a variety of reasons including safety.In general women do not expose much skin with traditional dresses.Why incite trouble when one can easily wear comfortable clothes without showing off the arms or legs.

  • edited February 2023

    Tauck publish a very generic clothing list, but if you look at the need to know section, which I read just a few days ago, it specifically says about the Japanese not generally wearing shorts.

    We recommend that you dress smartly. Jeans and capri pants are suitable for casual dining and sightseeing. However, shorts are rarely seen outside of hiking or sport venues, unless they are longer-length Bermuda shorts. Most women wear cropped length pants and they do not, as a rule, wear t-shirts.

    Most wear a conservative top that may be sleeveless but is not low-cut, and many Japanese women wear heels even with casual clothes.

    Shoes that are easily removed are essential, as it is customary to remove shoes when entering temples, shrines, private homes and certain restaurants. Clean socks and hosiery are also required to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

    Japan's top French restaurants usually require jackets and ties. The older generation considers it inappropriate for women to wear dresses without hose or tops without sleeves

  • Smiling Sam...who was your tour guide. I am almost 100 percent sure he was a guide in Africa when we we there this past August :)

  • edited December 2024

    Here's our group, just a short while ago.

  • tdelliott71 - Our Tour Director was Siddhartha Sharma. He was excellent.

  • edited December 2024

    MikeHenderson That looks like Annie (TD) in the photo. If you're looking at the picture, she is the lady on the end of the back row

    Smiling Sam Sid is the TD in your photo

  • Yes, that looks like Annie.

  • Yes, that is Annie.

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