Kingdoms and dragons tour, Best time?
We are in the planning stage for a 2025 Kingdoms and Dragons: Singapore to Bali, I noticed that the tour for 2024 is available from May to October. Can anyone recommend a time frame for this. Is May-June better than Sept-Oct? Any input would be highly appreciated. Thanks
The time to visit is driven by lots of factors: availability, weather, events, etc.
You can look at the weather for the places and times that you would visit on several websites, one such being Some people may want to visit during the coolest time possible, others may desire the driest time possible, etc.
Another driver might be to avoid or include holidays in the locations you will be visiting. As an example, below are the holidays for Singapore in 2024. They can either be dates to avoid or dates to include based on a persons desires.
Personally, we are going on this tour the second half of August, 2024. For us, it was mainly driven by weather and the desire to be on tour for one of the travelers birthday.
We just returned from this tour which we absolutely loved! Singapore was hot and humid and it rained off and on - but I think that’s somewhat typical for Singapore, although I believe the spring is drier there. We had excellent weather in Indonesia. It was warm to hot but no rain. We were told by some locals in Indonesia that we came at a good time. Also, late September to October is shoulder season in Bali (rainy season starts late October/November). August can be reportedly windy although less hot and humid. I’ve been told it’s not as crowded in Bali the time we went. Which is a good thing as there was still a lot of traffic around the airport and in Ubud (not sure if there’s much difference in those spots other times of year though or if it’s always busy). I wouldn’t advise going to Singapore during the Formula 1 because it brings in the crowds, there are road closures and prices go up. We got there the week after so it was interesting to see the remnants of it (the structures, signage, etc.) but the crowds were gone. I agree with Smiling Sam - look at the typical weather by month and holidays and see what works best for you.
I've traveled to Singapore during the Chinese New Year holiday. I enjoyed the festivities. I do not remember it being overly crowded. There were parades with floats. Perhaps its because I'm from New Orleans and love a parade. It was interesting in that their floats were sponsored by big companies whereas in New Orleans no float sponsorships are allowed....the Mardi Gras krewe members are financially responsible for their floats and the marching bands that provides the entertainment for their parade.
That does sound fun!
I went last year late September to beginning of October, the weather was great, had no rain, when I went they were already preparing for the Formula 1 races.
We are also planning this trip and looking at late May and mid October. We are tinking of stayin an extra few days and move to a seaside resort. Not sure which one, still doing research. We would then fly back to Singapore. We are planning on flying Singapore Air between USA and Singapore.
I neglected to mention for 2025
You're near the equator so temperatures don't vary that much throughout the year, but the rainfall totals do. September is historically the driest in Singapore, while August is historically the driest in Bali. August is historically a bit cooler in both locations.

Denpasar, Bali:

I did this tour last year Oct. 2024 and the weather was perfect! "no rain" , sunny Singapore, Jakarta and Bali
at of all 3 places Bali was the one where humidity was high but nothing as bad as it gets in Fla.
Temp. range between high 60's to high 70's during daytime and same temp at night .
This tour it's great the hotels are incredible
mil - you apparently got an exceptionally cold year, because per the historical data (see above), the Record Low temperature in Singapore barely gets into the 60s in any month of the year, whereas the Average Low is in the mid-70s. The Average High temperature is at least the mid 80s every month of the year.
It was hot and humid when we were in Singapore.
Smiling Sam I can have the TD contact you to confirm .
In Bali, everyone was expecting anxiously for the rains.! no rain can become a problem for the rice fields
Bali was more Humid and hotter than the other 2.
mil - No need. I just looked it up.
Here is the data for Singapore for October 2023.
and here is the data for DPS airport in Indonesia
We took this tour last year around the end of September into early October. Singapore was hot and VERY humid. We tried to follow the advice of doing most outdoor activities early in the day or later, and that was helpful. Indonesia was a bit less humid, albeit still hot. We did enjoy the fall weather when we got home! 😜 It was a spectacular trip!! We flew Singapore Airlines, and they were extremely punctual! It was impressive! The service was excellent, too. I highly recommend arriving early to Singapore and staying at least one extra night in Bali. So worth it to have some independent time to do whatever you want! Although I thought this tour provided a nice mix of activities and free time which we appreciated.
I visited Singapore in February. I remember the weather being pleasant--however, I live in New Orleans, so I am quite accustomed to year-round heat and humidity's all relative. I have a friend who visits Indonesia every year from mid-November to mid-December - she always says it's hot; however, I don't remember her mentioning the humidity.
Jimbaran Bay Resort.
Mil - the link you provided above just lead me to a page that said it was private. Nothing to see.
Smiling Sam, oh no... let me check. Thanks for the notice.
Thanks to this forum, i read a heads-up about the Singapore Formula 1 event. We had reserved the tour for October 4, 2025 but checked and that is in the middle of the Singapore Formula 1. I decided to move our tour to September 20th as I am fearful that airline tickets to Singaore (especially frequent flyer) will be expensive and difficult to obtain. We just had Formula 1 in Miami and it draws a large international crowd which I assume will be equally as bad in Singapore. Several of the elite Miami restaurants were closed around the Formual 1 for expensive private events. Dont want to get in the middle of this major event.
Hi Everyone, We're on the Aug 24th trip- Singapore to Bali. We're arriving 4:40pm on Thurs, Aug 22 (nonstop from EWR). So, we'll have Fri and most of Sat before the start of the tour. All suggestions welcome on MUST DOs before the start! I posted a few months ago, but responses disappeared. Which food tour? Thank you in advance!