Dates for posts - Are they displayed differently now? *** ISSUE RESOLVED - I think 😀
I know I'm getting old, but I always thought that posts on the forum contained a year, month, day, and time.
Now all I see is the year and a numerical indication of the month. Times seem to be posted as well for the current day posts.
If nobody else is noticing this change, then perhaps it's my computer or it not that, then I better start looking for a reservation at the 'Home'. 😂
*** Edited after further examination ***
I just looked at the main forum page in more detail. What I thought was a month indicator at first glance must be something else. See where I highlighted the snapshot below. There are numbers greater than 12. Can't be months. Could be day of the month. Not sure.
First, I'd like to remove all doubt - you ARE old.
Yes, the date format has changed. The time of a post only appeared within the first 24 hours of the post. Then, after 24h, it was in a format like Feb 5, 2025. That date format is what changed.
BKMD - Good observation about my age. I have my reservation at the 'Home'. 😃
Any explanation as to what the large numbers after the year mean (see the picture in my post above where I underlined)?
Probably some kind of bug. You know software developers - they like to mess with things, after people get used to them, to be annoying and justify their continued employment.
For example, Microsoft Word was a mature product 25 years ago, but they keep making insignificant and annoying changes to keep selling "new" products.
Speaking of which, I just replaced my PC, and reinstalled Office 2007, which I bought at a student discount at the Penn State bookstore when my daughter was there
I have another piece of software, which worked fine with Win10, but wouldn't install under Win11, that I came up with a kluge (running it within a cmd prompt box) to run it.
Yes, the month and year is all that is showing. Much more difficult to find old posts in the future I suspect.
It's not the month unless we now have a 31st month. I'm assuming its year and day of the month.
Current programming gripe- Apple has redone slide show. The Ken Burns effect is no longer available. What a shame.
I believe is the year and day of the post not the month.
Ah yes, you are correct, but how can you figure out which month, especially if some revives an old post?
I noticed that if you hover over the date in the post with a pointing device (mouse), it will show the exact date and time to the second that the post was uploaded. I don’t recall that function being there before but like Smiling Sam I am also getting old.

I’ve never looked at the forum on a computer! It was always on my iPad. A bit more on my phone these days. So how do you get the date on one of these devices? Where is Tauck Tim and Emily when you need them?
Thanks to John's discovery, it shows that the number following the year does indeed represent the day of the month for the post.
** Edited after more testing **
Not always does the number represent the day of the month. Some times it represents the month. As you hover over different items you see that it can be either a month or a day of the month.
I'm sure they can make it even more obtuse if they try. 😂
So how does one hover on a phone or iPad?
John is right, I always look at the forum on my computer except when I'm on vacation.
British I have no idea how you can do that with a phone or iPad
I don’t believe it is possible with an iPhone or iPad. I have both of these and can’t do a hover. I have a small Bluetooth mouse and keyboard case for the iPad but the hovering does not work. I am not sure if a Mac computer will show the tooltip while hovering. I don’t have a Mac and can’t test that. I have just Windows computers.
I really thought most people looked at the forum on their phones!
I've looked at the forum on my phone but the info on the screen is so smushed together I don't find it usable. Even on my 7" Fire tablet it's difficult to do anything more than read. My worst typo ridden posts with lots of random periods are written on my tablet.
I use my phone for text and video as little as possible. I find it kinf of funny that people buy larger and larger TVs, but have no problem wtaching a movie on a 4 inch screen.
I am thinking that mostly Millennials and Gen Z will primarily use the phone. On the Tauck trips we have taken there haven’t been too many from this group. Mostly us Boomers and some Gen X.
I find it pretty hard to post something from my iPhone. When we travel, I only take the iPad and iPhone. Windows computer at home.
This may only be of interest to us geeky folks on the forum but you can insert a tooltip and a link that is more aesthetically pleasing (in my opinion) than a long URL that doesn’t say much and is not colored for best practices on a web page. A couple examples are below. Hovering over these should bring up text. I am not sure if it will on a Mac computer however.
A link to the Tauck Forums main page
That’s it from me on the Geek rant.
The built-in mouse pad on my MacBook Air laptop allows me to hover and see the complete date and time.
Tauck IT, get your act together!!
I think the date issue may have been fixed. Look at the one for Venice and the Dalmation Coast. It now shows the month and year for the original 2024 post and the date of February 4 for the more recent ones.
Yes, Kathy, you're right. The older post now show month and year, but not date within the month. 2 out of 3...
Why did change it? It accomplished nothing, did not make it better but it did produce the most chitchat on this forum recently! Someone thought it was better? They should test these changes on users before making them.
My gripe recently is the new Outlook calendar. unable to scroll from month to month. I am one of the few who refuses to switch to apple.
Doesn't seem like it did anything to improve the forum but who knows...
I'd rather they add the ability to quickly mark a group of threads Read or Unread.
There was an appropriate line on Bill Maher's latest episode, as he was talking about progress and improvements by the tech industry:
If it ain't broke, f*ck with it.