How wet do you get on the rafting trip?
I would be interested to know how wet I am likely to get on the rafting trip. The documentation mentions wetsuits are available, so I am unsure what to take to wear that day. Thanks
We did that tour last September. We didn't get wet at all. They load you onto the raft on shore. The river is very calm.
obvious a mistype date. You may have posted this on wrong forum. hope you had fun on an apparent white water trip.
Just finished that raft trip: not a drop of river water touched my shoes or my clothes entering, during, or exiting. Very smooth ride. No white water. Sightings included a moose. Sunny. Suggest hat and sunscreen. Also, the ride is long—suggest you make use of facilities before boarding the raft, too. No rest stops for about an hour & 1/2.
Agree with Lynn. We've rafted the Snake river twice with the Jackson Hole rafting company. If you are in front you will get soaked. We were on the side both times and got fairly wet but we had the wet suits on. It was a blast! One rapid was so big I had to pull my daughter back in the raft after she almost went over the side. But not to worry. Unlike rafting in West Virginia where it is shallow, all rocks and you have to wear a helmet, the snake river is very wide, fairly calm except for the rapid areas and we did not wear helmets. If you fall over you are asked just to float down the river a bit and they will scoop you up. Half of our fellow rafters simply jumped in the water and came back in the raft. There are also photographers along the ridges that take your pictures along the way. We have some great pictures that we have out on our desks to this day. Have fun!
Did the float on the Snake River when we did Legends of the West and never got a drop of water on us.
It probably depends on the time of year, specific year, and river volume at the time.
By comparison, here's a raft trip I took through the Grand Canyon. Occasionally you got a bit wet. A bit blurry on the photo, but it's from June of 1979.
It all depends if you decide to go on the FLOAT trip or the WHITE WATER raft trip. Each type of trip begins at different locations on the river. Our friend and his wife who can't swim were petrified even to go on the float trip but they enjoyed it and came back soaked but from the sun and sweat. Our daughter joined us on the white water. The white water folks all had wet suits on and were treated to an incredible trip
This is a photo of Virginia Travelers and his daughter on the Snake River in Wyoming on another raft trip this time without wetsuits. VT is on the left side with the blue visor and his daughter is right in front of him. It is hard to see but we had to keep our right legs over the side. Right under my arm that holds the paddle you can see part of the word Jackson (Jack). As you can also see the folks in front got very very wet and the one lady in the middle front was freaking out ! Kind of hard to stay dry with those rapids!
VT, Have you ever run the rapids in the New River Gorge or on the nearby Gauley River in W. VA? There are Class I up to Class V rapids on the Upper Gauley, which is at its best and draws rafter from around the world, six weekends each fall when they open the flood gates at Summersville Lake dam.
Getting wet is part of the fun..... be aware ... for those out there that use them.. put some xtra glue to the toupee.
or tide the wig 
to your life jackets
Alan - always wanted to do that but never have. I've gone a few times to Jim Thorpe, PA to run the rapids there. Problem is it is so rocky and you have to wear darn helmets. You can't get me on any roller coasters or any wild mouse coaster but I can ride rapids all day long! It's cool to see the raft ahead of you disappear for a few seconds then reappear like they were shot out of a cannon.
The moron flagger is out of the institution again. Protect your loved ones.
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays our flagger from their self appointed rounds.
Phantom Flagger is on the hunt again … Tauck needs to expose the flaggers!!
I got a Flag! YUPPY!!!!!!!!
The flagger really needs help!
The FlaggerS are busy …. would they be if their identities were known???
They have taken on a life of their own. Like toenail fungus or Downton Abbey.
I got 1 flag. Do I hear 2?
We just completed a rafting experience with Mad River - June 8, 2022 - Bobby was our guide. To say it was exciting is an understatement, and yes we got wet, but I (sitting up front on the left) was soaked - down to my toes, wet suit and all, due to the water coming completely overhead! Great rapids, but with occasional calm areas! Great photos - they obviously know where to grab them!! Go and have some fun!!!!
I've been on a white-water rafting trip, and we got wet, very wet (not a Tauck trip). One person was flipped out of the raft and got really wet. We were able to pull her back into the raft. As far as I was concerned, it was too rough to be enjoyable.
I’m still sure this is a float trip not a white water rafting. We last did white water in Costa Rica in January and it was awesome, we got wet, someone fell in and you really had to brace your feet under the tubing in the middle of the raft and paddle like crazy over the rapids. We wore helmets but I don’t recall we wore wet suits, it was awesome.
Unless the river is dry..... you will get soak!