2021 Tauck Antarctica expedition Dec 5-20



  • I am so happy you are posting these pictures and updates. Good for you for making this trek. And for all those who have posted photos previously or provided commentary. I've not had the desire to go to Antarctica since I don't like the cold and the snow and seeing these photos and hearing about the rough seas and paucity of land happenings has convinced me that it is not for me. I truly hope you enjoy every second of it and find it worth your time and money but I will pass. Looking forward to Ireland, Scotland and Kenya & Tanzania next year. Maybe Turkey too if things improve in the spring but obviously will have to find another provider since Tauck is not going there these days.

  • Personally, I’m in the Captain’s camp … of course I was also. Captain … and Commander. (;-). There were many Naval Aviators, NFO;s, and Air Force crew who flew many missions in Vietnam, but never landed. They have been to Vietnam. Of course, many of us had a more personal experience.

  • Sealord - If they start launching jets, missiles, or artillery from L'Austral then I'm in your camp as well.

    Would a Naval Aviator consider themselves to have been on a ship if they did a fly-by of the ship, without landing on it?

    There are lots of possible scenarios.

  • LOL. Lots of scenarios. I’ve landed on a couple carriers where I never got out of the airplane. I definitely count them as ‘being there’.

    cathyandsteve: I like the snowfall pictures. When you get ashore you should make a snowman, if the snow is not too dry and cold. If it is, you could make some ‘snow angels’. (;-).

  • They probably wouldn’t let you bring it back to the ship either. (;-) I expect you will make some footprints on land.

  • ****Awesome….

  • Cathy - Great pictures. Congrats on finally making it ashore. In the picture where you and Steve are holding the 7th Continent sign it looks like Steve's teeth are chattering. :D

    I think a couple shots of you and Steve mimicking the penguins would be fun, specifically the penguin that looks like it is doing the slip and slide run and dive action on the ice, with its two friends walking in front and back.

  • Getting ready for Jan trip. Question about type of clothes to bring when on the ship (winter or summer clothes) and for the dinners.

  • Cathy and Steve. Thank you for sharing your adventure. We have terrible sea legs so will not venture in that direction. Safe travels and Happy Holidays.

  • cathyandsteve
    The slip and slide would have been an easier way to travel...lol

    Just shows that you should trust the locals! :D

  • cvccvc
    edited December 2021

    Incredible pictures - what an exciting adventure. We would love to make this trip, but it isn't in the cards for us so we are experiencing it vicariously through your reports and pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  • So happy that you finally had a landing. Love all of the pictures, fantastic. Can hardly wait to see more pics and details of your adventure.

  • What fun! Marvelous pictures! If you submit the photo of the three penguins, I bet you would win Tauck's photo contest!

  • Another vicarious traveler … I just don’t think me and the Drake Passage are compatible but Cathy, you are tempting me!! I wonder if anyone dreads the return trip thru the Drake Passage so much that they stay with the penguins ??!!

  • Cathy - the crab eater seal looks pretty content, basking in the sun and warmth of Antarctica. 😂 It must be eating well.

  • Cathy - we're still waiting for the pic of you and/or Steve sliding on YOUR belly!

  • edited December 2021

    The bigger danger would be a leopard seal who might want to eat you … all of which is worth risking making a snow angel in Antarctica!

  • Wow Cathy, so glad you are ok after your fall! They do say that January is an easier time to visit and is a little warmer. It’s great that you can still enjoy the wildlife from the ship and the pictures are so clear. I guess binocular are also invaluable?
    I’ve researched so much and seen so many films of Antarctica, so along with reading the few bits of past forum people, I knew it was cold, icy and snowy and that landings were not guaranteed. Yet people still say it is their favorite Tauck tour, Did the ship people provide walking poles for the walks?
    When do you get to go to the area with the big penguin colony? Some of the films I have seen seem to show the area Is possibly more snow free but of course very smelly. Is there any chance that you will see narwhals? That would be my favorite animal to see as they are unlikely to be seen elsewhere.

  • Narwhals spend their entire lives in the Arctic and don't migrate (Wikipedia), so unlikely to see any in the Antarctic.

  • I have been checking the L'Austral Webcam every day and there have been some amazing views. I was looking at the webcam this morning and it is totally covered in ice and snow. An almost 2 minute video of ice. Yikes!!

    Cathy: I hate that you are not able to experience more landings, that would be disappointing but happy that you are still able to enjoy your trip and see some wildlife.

  • How cold is it?

    Great pictures!

  • TravelGuy
    How cold is it?

    If you go to the CruiseMapper website and find L'Austral on the map and then click on it, they post the temperature, ocean state, wind speed at the ship. I just looked and it said it was 29 degrees F.

  • SS. Thanks.

  • cathyandsteve,

    When you have a chance, can you comment on the on-board dining venues? Types of food offered, variety and quality? Thanks in advance.

  • Portolan, thanks for the correction on Narwhals, now I think about it, the ones I saw were in the same show as Polar bears 😀
    Food on the ship was I assume the usual Ponant small ship quality food? I guess attendance was low while in the Drake?

  • Is there an outdoor pool?

  • BKMD, I am guessing the pool is similar to the one on the Ponant ship I am doing the swimsuit modeling in.😂

  • edited December 2021


    If either of you like beer, ask to have Beagle (a very decent stout) stocked in your refrigerator. Not one of the "premium" beers (but better than Heineken IMHO), so no surcharge. It's brewed in Ushuaia. They may have to look around for it as on any given day it only seemed to be in one lounge or the other...but never consistently at both. They should also have Patagonia in both a red ale (OK) and an IPA (good), but neither as good as the Beagle.

  • I've been in the hot tub outside my ski condo while snow was falling on my head. You'll have to try it, but your body remains warm for a bit after exiting the hot water. it's a fun experience.

  • edited December 2021

    First, I don’t remember if Ponant had any wine in the ‘mini-bar’ selection. That being said, on our last Ponant trip in August I asked ‘the Hotel Manager’ if it was possible to have all of the other liquor selections to be replaced with Scotch. That was done before we returned to our room a short time later. I’m guessing he also has control of the Sprite. Since all of the ‘beverages’ are included, they might not stock mini’s or splits, and they might not want to cough up an entire bottle of wine … Silversea would. But, I would give it a try with either the ‘beverage manager’ or the ‘hotel manager’. If that’s a ‘no-go’ you can always call room service.

    I’m glad you brought up the wine subject. Argentina has some great wines mostly from the Mendoza region. We will probably get a couple bottles to bring along on the ship.

    Our traveling companions also prefer Ponant’s buffet. The food is quite good, and you get to choose any quantity of whatever selections you prefer. We sometimes do the restaurant, and sometimes the buffet.

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