Concur that certain combinations make more sense than others either because they are close by or one might be enroute to another. Not going thru jet lag twice is an advantage for me. We generally don't do any trips shorter than 2 weeks whether it's picking a long one or adding time to one. My one week Christmas cruise with the girls will be an exception. My husband and I have talked about the Yuletide cruise but only if we added a side trip to Paris after it.
Our son, a sophomore at the time , went with us on our first Tauck tour. It was Arizona and the Grand Canyon. He loved everything about the tour especially being able to order anything from the menu at dinner. In those days we just signed the check with our Tauck number. He did another Tauck trip with us when he was in college. I think it is great that Tauck has now offered family trips for young families. We would have enjoyed those I sure.
While I would love a loyalty program discount, it seems to me that it makes very little sense from a business standpoint for Tauck. Tauck already commands tremendous loyalty from their customers. On most trips I've taken, the number of returning guests exceeds the number of new travelers. One recent trip was all returning customers. Tauck has very little competition in its market segment (luxury tours) and, taken together with the quality of their product, they are able to retain customers, tour after tour. In addition, the luxury segment means that customers are less likely to be price sensitive. In other words, offering a discount for repeat customers is unlikely to generate enough additional margin to offset the cost. Loyalty programs make more sense where the product is more fungible and there is less inherent brand loyalty. Mass market cruise lines would be an example of this.
The GOT program, in my view, is not primarily a loyalty program. It started during the 2008 financial crisis a way of getting current customers to book early in uncertain financial times (it was two nights originally). It also helped Tauck with cash flow when credit markets were in turmoil. It continues as a way of getting you to book early. This has the benefit for Tauck of early cash flow (reducing short-term borrowing costs) and locking you in early. By locking you in early, Tauck reduces the possibility of you choosing an alternative trip. It also reduces the possibility that life circumstances will cause you to decide not to travel. The fact that they recently moved the deadline up for the GOT supports the idea that this is primarily an early booking program, rather than a loyalty program.
Now, if I were Tauck, I would offer Tauck logoed clothing as loyalty reward. They already order these for the TDs, so give them to loyal customers, as well. The upside for Tauck is free advertising. For example, you could get a T-shirt with your first booking, a polo with your third and a fleece vest with your fifth, and so on. Tauck, are you listening?
I haven't taken any trips with them yet, but many people say that Abercrombie and Kent are very good, about the level of Tauck.
As a side note, Abercrombie and Kent recently purchased two of the Crystal Cruise ships. I received an email with an offer from them for the cruises - put some money down (I think it was just $250) and you'd get some benefits on a cruise. But they haven't indicated where they're going to do the cruises so I passed.
Ken, you say GOT was original 2 Nights, I never remember that!
Regarding Abercrombie and Kent, we have crossed paths with them on several Tauck tours and in every case, when I got chance, I looked on line and the Tauck tours were staying in the same hotels or in China, the same ship and their tour was so much more money. On our. China tour. Their group headed home and ours continued on to Hong Kong and their price was higher for a shorter tour. The other tour I remembered is one of our Africa tours, same kind of thing.
I would love to see if Tauck introduces a line of tours with prices more accessible to younger people.
I disagree, mil. It would change their brand identity. There are some younger people on some tours. Part of it is price, but the other part is the type of tour. For example, there were a good number of younger people on the Patagonia tour I was on a bit before Covid. That's more of an adventure tour. And my daughter and her her significant other (early 30s) will be travelling with me on my next two tours this year.
If you want to travel with masses of younger people, go on a Carnival cruise.
My sons and daughter in law (27, 35, 35) LOVE Tauck tours. They love the sites, pace, guides and hotels. They also enjoy mingling with the other guests. It is a great opportunity for them to meet older, more experienced professional people. The price for them is a total deal breaker unless we are paying! When they travel on their own they do Gate One.
Re Tauck logo clothing, we can buy that if we want now. I thought about buying my husband and I some items and decided not to lest we are mistaken for TDs by hotel staff, local guides, etc.
On a related note, during our recent Douro cruise I had my birthday. In addition to cake at dinner, which you could choose or say no to if you didn't want one, the TDs left a nice card and a very nice Tauck logo luggage tag.
I disagree with Ken from Vegas. No logo anything please! I don't wear anything with logos apparent! I am swimming in Tauck bottles. Of course what you list are what I call are boy clothes. I admit my husband buys a hat on each tour - part of the fun to find the perfect baseball cap. A lot of the trinkets we get are junk, never to be used. Some tours we don't get anything and I am fine with that.
I remember the two day GOT - there were complaints when they dropped it to one day when the economy improved. It was very generous and getting one day at a great hotel is enough acknowledgement from Tauck.
I, too, remember the two-day Gift of Time, but I recall it being very short-lived. I am quite content with the one night offering and have no desire for anything more. When you consider all the "surprises" that Tauck includes, those souvenirs and gifts are quite nice and certainly not expected.
I agree that offering price-based tours for select demographics would dramatically alter the Tauck brand. I do wish, however, that Tauck would offer more hotel alternatives/choices even if it meant paying a premium. They already do this but it is quite limited.
I laughed when I read the comments about logos. My husband has always refused to wear anything with a logo insisting that he is not about to be a free billboard for any company. He does have several hats bearing the names of Tauck's riverboats, but only wears them in our neighborhood when walking the dog. The one he wanted the most was the Andorinha but that boat had no gift shop!
"If you want to travel with masses of younger people, go on a Carnival cruise. "No, that's not my point... and by the way I don't do cruises.... But, it is a pity that because of the high cost of these tours, younger people cannot enjoy other places and cultures with great hotels and services. I'm not talking of mixing generations, I'm saying , Tauck could have a new line of tours directed to youngger crows.
Tauck doesn't need to loose it's Brand,by offering tours to the young (30-40 age group).
but. I know some young educated and very much ..financially stable that don't go with Tauck because they think it's for seniors. and reality is... that we are not going to live forever.
I disagree with Ken from Vegas. No logo anything please! I don't wear anything with logos apparent!
kfnknfzk said:
I laughed when I read the comments about logos. My husband has always refused to wear anything with a logo insisting that he is not about to be a free billboard for any company.
I never buy clothing for the logo. Those items I've purchased with a logo were bought despite the logo, not because of it. However, if some business (particularly one I admire, like Tauck) wants to give me clothing with their logo, I'm happy to wear it. I guess I should get a t-shirt made that says, "This space for rent."
With travel being so competitive, Tauck would be wise to offer loyalty perks that doesn't "cost" them anything. A seat at the Captains table, front row of the bus, first peek at the next years tours, Introducing loyalty members at the welcome reception. Everyone likes to feel appreciated and a nice pat on the back, especially when we are loyal to only traveling Tauck. I thoroughly enjoy my Gift of Time, I and I know that cost them. More perks would be appreciated.
Tauck shows that we have 10 trips accounted for. We've taken 12. Perhaps those 2 missing were those 2 back to back trips we took??? I wish there was a place you could go into and see what 10 trips they are recording?
Regarding the logo conversation: I’m not a logo personality and maybe that’s why I feel so opinionated on the following: I usually think to each his/her own but I have been on a Tauck river cruises, ocean cruises and Tauck land cruises and I have seen guests wear logo T-shirts and logo sweatshirts or logo jackets with “other” tour company names or cruise line names on them that are clearly Tauck’s competitors, and I’m sorry, but that is unnecessarily tacky.
Young people CAN travel the world, but they don't need the level of service or the luxury of the hotels that Tauck offers. When we were in our 40's, our kids went to summer sleepaway camp and we went off to Europe for a 10 day trip. No tours, no fancy hotels - we took mostly trains between cities, used guidebooks and asked friends for suggestions. Our expectations were low and we had a wonderful time. We were looking for economical ways to see the world, without relying on cheesy cut rate tours.
Today, our children in their 30's are very well traveled - they know how to optimize travel points and look for great deals...I don't think the Tauck product would work for them. It works for US because we need someone to help take the edge off the stress of travel, and smooth out the arrangements.
And...those really nice beds feel sooo good on my aging body! Mmm.
As for logos, I can give some personal experience. Our first trip with Tauck was called Imperial Europe. It has since changed names to Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna & Prague. Part of my wardrobe consisted of a baseball cap with a Seattle Seahawks logo. When we were wandering around Prague on our own I was approached by a Czech guy who noticed my cap and wanted to debate with me on how he thought the Dallas Cowboys were a much better team. It took a while before I could get rid of him. I don’t wear that cap anymore on our Tauck trips.
We travelled with Abercrombie & Kent to Turkey in September 2021. Outstanding hotels, guides, meals, etc. we did our first Tauck trip this past May on a Rhone cruise. Now I’m going to Japan this April and hubby and I are doing the small ship Med cruise in October. We are also booked on two more trips in ‘24. I’m waiting for a GoT!! Comparing A&K to Tauck, I have limited experience with more to come. However, when comparing itineraries, I do believe Tauck is better, and actually a bit less cost!!
We have traveled 7 times with Abercrombie & Kent…15 with Tauck with 3 more booked. We look to A&K when Tauck does not or no longer offers the countries we want to visit. Case in point, we went to Myanmar after Tauck ceased going (and before the recent uprisings); Morocco a year before Tauck started…East Africa before I knew about Tauck. Dates come into play too…until my husband retired, fitting in international travel was time certain in our lives. Comparisons? Like someone said, hotels are often identical, so are itineraries! Biggest difference…Tauck tour directors are consistently outstanding! Our default travel choices will always be Tauck but, I love the research of trips and will consider other companies if it fits better.
JohnS - my father would always wear his Red Sox "B" hat everywhere he went. It would be a great conversation starter for him to talk about Boston sports teams which he loved in all the places we traveled. His Patriot sweatshirts and t-shirts would also get people talking to him. :-)
I too have traveled with A&K and Tauck, probably a bit more with A&K than Tauck. As with Nancy, it is very much itinerary dependent.
I've noticed Tauck has upgraded their hotels recently which was one of the reasons I preferred A&K in the past. Now it's more apples to apples so that advantage has gone by the wayside. I also prefer the smaller group size that A&K offers, 18 as opposed to 26 or 28 on some of the Tauck small group tours I've been on. My first Tauck tour was 19 people and that was great but since then they've been close to maxed out. One thing I've mentioned on my comment cards is lowering the group size but increasing the suggested amount for the TD gratuity. I know some of the TDs like the larger group size simply because it's more lucrative for them which is understandable. The A&K suggested gratuity is higher which is not a problem.
As for the TDs, I've never had a bad one with A&K but I have with Tauck so that's a bit of a wash. I do think Tauck offers better value overall although as a single A&K provides a better break on the single supplement.
But itinerary and dates are the prime drivers for me. I've also traveled with a company called Alexander & Roberts, max group size 16, which is really nicet. Some of their itineraries are a little bit off the beaten path which I like but they are just a tad less polished than either of the other 2.
For this year, I have one A&K booked, 2 Tauck booked, and 1 still to be booked either with A&K or A&R because Tauck doesn't go to Turkey.
I missed the window to rebook Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand this year so am looking at it for next year but now can't decide whether to do Tauck or simply Vietnam with A&K which includes Ha Long Bay. Also looking at rebooking South America for 2024 as that was another one of my cancelled Tauck tours during Covid and the new itinerary has dropped the Lake District. Assume that was based on feedback but I still would like to go to the Lake District.
The one other thing I have liked about A&K in the past that I wish Tauck would do is include some "pre" or "post" tour extensions because I like to be away for a longer period of time. I generally add some time before or after a trip to do things in the area that aren't included on tour but it's a hassle then to arrange your own guide and other logistics that Tauck takes care of. It's not that I can't do it on my own but I think we've acknowledged on this forum how as you get older it's just nice not to have to worry about the details and enjoy the extra layer of pampering and luxury that goes with a Tauck trip.
Final thought on this subject, the Tauck name is really recognized and appreciated across the globe. When I traveled to Zanzibar on my own, post K&T this past October, I stayed at the Park Hyatt. The manager saw my Tauck bag and said "oh they give us a lot of business. We like them." I got some nice treatment from them, upgraded to a suite and lots of goodies in the room, but whether the Tauck name on my bag or my Amex Platinum booking accounted for that is unknown. I think it was the Amex prebook but I'll never know.
So Tauck answered my email 3 times (different people) and updated the # of trips! I gave them a list. However I learned something - Apparently the tour count is not updated until the tour department closes the tour - whatever that means. Anyway I am satisfied.
Indeed. British and I have gone round with this before. There are boat people and there are bus people. After our one land tour Eloise and I decided if we never did another long bus ride, that would be fine. If you can’t get close enough on a boat, we are not going. We have been lucky enough to see all seven continents, and we also both flew for non-sked airlines. Unlike scheduled service, we did not do layovers that felt like we had been standing in the corner. It was more like flying yourself from one vacation site to another. Layovers were measured in days not hours.
The 2 night GOT was back in 2010 and 2011 or 2011, it did not last because I believe there were people that took advantage of it, I know for a fact that someone that traveled a lot with Tauck invited a cousin on a trip in 2011 (first time with Tauck) and badgered Tauck to no end until they gave her the 2 GOT that she had never earned, after that they went back to 1 GOT.
Concur that certain combinations make more sense than others either because they are close by or one might be enroute to another. Not going thru jet lag twice is an advantage for me. We generally don't do any trips shorter than 2 weeks whether it's picking a long one or adding time to one. My one week Christmas cruise with the girls will be an exception. My husband and I have talked about the Yuletide cruise but only if we added a side trip to Paris after it.
My sentiments exact, Mike Henderson. We earned it and are now able to enjoy the fruits of our labors—the children can have whatever remains.
Our son, a sophomore at the time , went with us on our first Tauck tour. It was Arizona and the Grand Canyon. He loved everything about the tour especially being able to order anything from the menu at dinner. In those days we just signed the check with our Tauck number. He did another Tauck trip with us when he was in college. I think it is great that Tauck has now offered family trips for young families. We would have enjoyed those I sure.
Regarding the possibility of a loyalty program -
While I would love a loyalty program discount, it seems to me that it makes very little sense from a business standpoint for Tauck. Tauck already commands tremendous loyalty from their customers. On most trips I've taken, the number of returning guests exceeds the number of new travelers. One recent trip was all returning customers. Tauck has very little competition in its market segment (luxury tours) and, taken together with the quality of their product, they are able to retain customers, tour after tour. In addition, the luxury segment means that customers are less likely to be price sensitive. In other words, offering a discount for repeat customers is unlikely to generate enough additional margin to offset the cost. Loyalty programs make more sense where the product is more fungible and there is less inherent brand loyalty. Mass market cruise lines would be an example of this.
The GOT program, in my view, is not primarily a loyalty program. It started during the 2008 financial crisis a way of getting current customers to book early in uncertain financial times (it was two nights originally). It also helped Tauck with cash flow when credit markets were in turmoil. It continues as a way of getting you to book early. This has the benefit for Tauck of early cash flow (reducing short-term borrowing costs) and locking you in early. By locking you in early, Tauck reduces the possibility of you choosing an alternative trip. It also reduces the possibility that life circumstances will cause you to decide not to travel. The fact that they recently moved the deadline up for the GOT supports the idea that this is primarily an early booking program, rather than a loyalty program.
Now, if I were Tauck, I would offer Tauck logoed clothing as loyalty reward. They already order these for the TDs, so give them to loyal customers, as well. The upside for Tauck is free advertising. For example, you could get a T-shirt with your first booking, a polo with your third and a fleece vest with your fifth, and so on. Tauck, are you listening?
I haven't taken any trips with them yet, but many people say that Abercrombie and Kent are very good, about the level of Tauck.
As a side note, Abercrombie and Kent recently purchased two of the Crystal Cruise ships. I received an email with an offer from them for the cruises - put some money down (I think it was just $250) and you'd get some benefits on a cruise. But they haven't indicated where they're going to do the cruises so I passed.
Ken, you say GOT was original 2 Nights, I never remember that!
Regarding Abercrombie and Kent, we have crossed paths with them on several Tauck tours and in every case, when I got chance, I looked on line and the Tauck tours were staying in the same hotels or in China, the same ship and their tour was so much more money. On our. China tour. Their group headed home and ours continued on to Hong Kong and their price was higher for a shorter tour. The other tour I remembered is one of our Africa tours, same kind of thing.
British, Welcome BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you were highly missed
I would love to see if Tauck introduces a line of tours with prices more accessible to younger people.
I disagree, mil. It would change their brand identity. There are some younger people on some tours. Part of it is price, but the other part is the type of tour. For example, there were a good number of younger people on the Patagonia tour I was on a bit before Covid. That's more of an adventure tour. And my daughter and her her significant other (early 30s) will be travelling with me on my next two tours this year.
If you want to travel with masses of younger people, go on a Carnival cruise.
My sons and daughter in law (27, 35, 35) LOVE Tauck tours. They love the sites, pace, guides and hotels. They also enjoy mingling with the other guests. It is a great opportunity for them to meet older, more experienced professional people. The price for them is a total deal breaker unless we are paying! When they travel on their own they do Gate One.
Re Tauck logo clothing, we can buy that if we want now. I thought about buying my husband and I some items and decided not to lest we are mistaken for TDs by hotel staff, local guides, etc.
On a related note, during our recent Douro cruise I had my birthday. In addition to cake at dinner, which you could choose or say no to if you didn't want one, the TDs left a nice card and a very nice Tauck logo luggage tag.
I disagree with Ken from Vegas. No logo anything please! I don't wear anything with logos apparent! I am swimming in Tauck bottles. Of course what you list are what I call are boy clothes. I admit my husband buys a hat on each tour - part of the fun to find the perfect baseball cap. A lot of the trinkets we get are junk, never to be used. Some tours we don't get anything and I am fine with that.
I remember the two day GOT - there were complaints when they dropped it to one day when the economy improved. It was very generous and getting one day at a great hotel is enough acknowledgement from Tauck.
I, too, remember the two-day Gift of Time, but I recall it being very short-lived. I am quite content with the one night offering and have no desire for anything more. When you consider all the "surprises" that Tauck includes, those souvenirs and gifts are quite nice and certainly not expected.
I agree that offering price-based tours for select demographics would dramatically alter the Tauck brand. I do wish, however, that Tauck would offer more hotel alternatives/choices even if it meant paying a premium. They already do this but it is quite limited.
I laughed when I read the comments about logos. My husband has always refused to wear anything with a logo insisting that he is not about to be a free billboard for any company. He does have several hats bearing the names of Tauck's riverboats, but only wears them in our neighborhood when walking the dog. The one he wanted the most was the Andorinha but that boat had no gift shop!
and reality is... that we are not going to live forever.
"If you want to travel with masses of younger people, go on a Carnival cruise. "No, that's not my point... and by the way I don't do cruises.... But, it is a pity that because of the high cost of these tours, younger people cannot enjoy other places and cultures with great hotels and services. I'm not talking of mixing generations, I'm saying , Tauck could have a new line of tours directed to youngger crows.
Tauck doesn't need to loose it's Brand,by offering tours to the young (30-40 age group).
but. I know some young educated and very much ..financially stable that don't go with Tauck because they think it's for seniors.
bucketlist said:
kfnknfzk said:
I never buy clothing for the logo. Those items I've purchased with a logo were bought despite the logo, not because of it. However, if some business (particularly one I admire, like Tauck) wants to give me clothing with their logo, I'm happy to wear it. I guess I should get a t-shirt made that says, "This space for rent."
I'd expect nothing different for someone who lives in Vegas! 😂
With travel being so competitive, Tauck would be wise to offer loyalty perks that doesn't "cost" them anything. A seat at the Captains table, front row of the bus, first peek at the next years tours, Introducing loyalty members at the welcome reception. Everyone likes to feel appreciated and a nice pat on the back, especially when we are loyal to only traveling Tauck. I thoroughly enjoy my Gift of Time, I and I know that cost them. More perks would be appreciated.
Tauck shows that we have 10 trips accounted for. We've taken 12. Perhaps those 2 missing were those 2 back to back trips we took??? I wish there was a place you could go into and see what 10 trips they are recording?
Regarding the logo conversation: I’m not a logo personality and maybe that’s why I feel so opinionated on the following: I usually think to each his/her own but I have been on a Tauck river cruises, ocean cruises and Tauck land cruises and I have seen guests wear logo T-shirts and logo sweatshirts or logo jackets with “other” tour company names or cruise line names on them that are clearly Tauck’s competitors, and I’m sorry, but that is unnecessarily tacky.
Young people CAN travel the world, but they don't need the level of service or the luxury of the hotels that Tauck offers. When we were in our 40's, our kids went to summer sleepaway camp and we went off to Europe for a 10 day trip. No tours, no fancy hotels - we took mostly trains between cities, used guidebooks and asked friends for suggestions. Our expectations were low and we had a wonderful time. We were looking for economical ways to see the world, without relying on cheesy cut rate tours.
Today, our children in their 30's are very well traveled - they know how to optimize travel points and look for great deals...I don't think the Tauck product would work for them. It works for US because we need someone to help take the edge off the stress of travel, and smooth out the arrangements.
And...those really nice beds feel sooo good on my aging body! Mmm.
As for logos, I can give some personal experience. Our first trip with Tauck was called Imperial Europe. It has since changed names to Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna & Prague. Part of my wardrobe consisted of a baseball cap with a Seattle Seahawks logo. When we were wandering around Prague on our own I was approached by a Czech guy who noticed my cap and wanted to debate with me on how he thought the Dallas Cowboys were a much better team. It took a while before I could get rid of him. I don’t wear that cap anymore on our Tauck trips.
We travelled with Abercrombie & Kent to Turkey in September 2021. Outstanding hotels, guides, meals, etc. we did our first Tauck trip this past May on a Rhone cruise. Now I’m going to Japan this April and hubby and I are doing the small ship Med cruise in October. We are also booked on two more trips in ‘24. I’m waiting for a GoT!! Comparing A&K to Tauck, I have limited experience with more to come. However, when comparing itineraries, I do believe Tauck is better, and actually a bit less cost!!
We have traveled 7 times with Abercrombie & Kent…15 with Tauck with 3 more booked. We look to A&K when Tauck does not or no longer offers the countries we want to visit. Case in point, we went to Myanmar after Tauck ceased going (and before the recent uprisings); Morocco a year before Tauck started…East Africa before I knew about Tauck. Dates come into play too…until my husband retired, fitting in international travel was time certain in our lives. Comparisons? Like someone said, hotels are often identical, so are itineraries! Biggest difference…Tauck tour directors are consistently outstanding! Our default travel choices will always be Tauck but, I love the research of trips and will consider other companies if it fits better.
JohnS - my father would always wear his Red Sox "B" hat everywhere he went. It would be a great conversation starter for him to talk about Boston sports teams which he loved in all the places we traveled. His Patriot sweatshirts and t-shirts would also get people talking to him. :-)
I too have traveled with A&K and Tauck, probably a bit more with A&K than Tauck. As with Nancy, it is very much itinerary dependent.
I've noticed Tauck has upgraded their hotels recently which was one of the reasons I preferred A&K in the past. Now it's more apples to apples so that advantage has gone by the wayside. I also prefer the smaller group size that A&K offers, 18 as opposed to 26 or 28 on some of the Tauck small group tours I've been on. My first Tauck tour was 19 people and that was great but since then they've been close to maxed out. One thing I've mentioned on my comment cards is lowering the group size but increasing the suggested amount for the TD gratuity. I know some of the TDs like the larger group size simply because it's more lucrative for them which is understandable. The A&K suggested gratuity is higher which is not a problem.
As for the TDs, I've never had a bad one with A&K but I have with Tauck so that's a bit of a wash. I do think Tauck offers better value overall although as a single A&K provides a better break on the single supplement.
But itinerary and dates are the prime drivers for me. I've also traveled with a company called Alexander & Roberts, max group size 16, which is really nicet. Some of their itineraries are a little bit off the beaten path which I like but they are just a tad less polished than either of the other 2.
For this year, I have one A&K booked, 2 Tauck booked, and 1 still to be booked either with A&K or A&R because Tauck doesn't go to Turkey.
I missed the window to rebook Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand this year so am looking at it for next year but now can't decide whether to do Tauck or simply Vietnam with A&K which includes Ha Long Bay. Also looking at rebooking South America for 2024 as that was another one of my cancelled Tauck tours during Covid and the new itinerary has dropped the Lake District. Assume that was based on feedback but I still would like to go to the Lake District.
The one other thing I have liked about A&K in the past that I wish Tauck would do is include some "pre" or "post" tour extensions because I like to be away for a longer period of time. I generally add some time before or after a trip to do things in the area that aren't included on tour but it's a hassle then to arrange your own guide and other logistics that Tauck takes care of. It's not that I can't do it on my own but I think we've acknowledged on this forum how as you get older it's just nice not to have to worry about the details and enjoy the extra layer of pampering and luxury that goes with a Tauck trip.
Final thought on this subject, the Tauck name is really recognized and appreciated across the globe. When I traveled to Zanzibar on my own, post K&T this past October, I stayed at the Park Hyatt. The manager saw my Tauck bag and said "oh they give us a lot of business. We like them." I got some nice treatment from them, upgraded to a suite and lots of goodies in the room, but whether the Tauck name on my bag or my Amex Platinum booking accounted for that is unknown. I think it was the Amex prebook but I'll never know.
So Tauck answered my email 3 times (different people) and updated the # of trips! I gave them a list. However I learned something - Apparently the tour count is not updated until the tour department closes the tour - whatever that means. Anyway I am satisfied.
I guess it depends on how much Turkey you want, but we are going to Ephesus with Tauck on a small boat tour on the Wind Star this year.
Thanks, Sealord. I'm aware of the various cruises that stop at Ephesus but I am looking for a more in depth visit.
Cappadocia should not be missed. You can't ge3t there by boat.
Indeed. British and I have gone round with this before. There are boat people and there are bus people. After our one land tour Eloise and I decided if we never did another long bus ride, that would be fine. If you can’t get close enough on a boat, we are not going. We have been lucky enough to see all seven continents, and we also both flew for non-sked airlines. Unlike scheduled service, we did not do layovers that felt like we had been standing in the corner. It was more like flying yourself from one vacation site to another. Layovers were measured in days not hours.
The 2 night GOT was back in 2010 and 2011 or 2011, it did not last because I believe there were people that took advantage of it, I know for a fact that someone that traveled a lot with Tauck invited a cousin on a trip in 2011 (first time with Tauck) and badgered Tauck to no end until they gave her the 2 GOT that she had never earned, after that they went back to 1 GOT.