Vietnam Visa

For those who have done VCT recently, which website did you use--the $25 Vietnam E-visa website or the $48 MyVietnamVisa website. I'm having difficulty loading my passport data page to Vietnam E-visa website and they also ask for a lot of information. I have no trouble loading photo and passport data page to the MyVietnamVisa website but am concerned that they ask for so little data only entry date/port, nothing about exiting Vietnam. I don't care about the extra $25 so long as I get the visa.

The Vietnam E-visa website keeps telling my file size for passport data page is too large but I have cropped, edited, etc. numerous times with no luck.

Any tips, feedback, or insight you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks.



  • edited January 2024

    voikk32 - The problem with the file size has more to do with the resolution that you are saving the file at vs the physical size of the photo. You need to see how many dots/pixels per inch that the file is being saved at and then resave the file at a lower resolution.

    Some apps pop up and ask how you want to save the photo and then tell you what the file size would be for each possible selection. Choices like original resolution, large, medium, small are typical choices.

    See it you can figure out how to do something like this and see if it helps.

  • Thanks, SmilingSam. I've been doing that already and having no luck. On an iMac

  • I have not had experience with obtaining this visa, but have found that sometimes scanned copies (saved to files) work better than photos.

  • Tried that too, Lotusgirl. Still playing with it. Getting very frustrated. Hope all is well with you.

  • voikk32 - I have an iMac and this is what I do.

    a) open the file in Preview
    b) in the File menu, select the Export... option
    c) in the popup observe the File Size
    d) slide the Quality slider to the left and observe how the File Size is reduced
    e) resave the file with the desired File Size

    This approach has worked for me with Passport photo submission in the past.

    If you've already tried this, sorry, I'm at the end of my suggestions.

  • I think that's what I did, Smiling Sam, and finally got it to upload. I had just uploaded it when your note came in so you must have been communicating with telepathically. That's one of the worst visa applications I've done. But upload and payment were successful. I cannot believe how much information they asked for. I think Tauck should offer some guidelines instead of just referring you to a link which didn't work.

    On to Cambodia which looked a little easier. Thanks for your help.

  • edited January 2024

    Cambodia took more time to get the eVisa. Hope yours goes quickly.

  • Glad you succeeded. In my opinion, the effort is worth it because I think it is a very diverse and interesting tour. I hope you enjoy it.

  • I hope so too. Gave up on the Cambodia visa for tonight since website indicated they wouldn't process until closer to the date. I can only take so much frustration in any given day.

  • I applied for both visas about 75 days before the trip (just got home yesterday, and woke up 4 AM this morning, ugh). Vietnam processed quickly. Cambodia waited until about 3 weeks before the trip and didn't repsond to email status inquiry.

  • You probably know this, but you can check the status of your Cambodia eVisa application. Make sure you keep your application number because you use that and your email address to check the status. They did come through in lots of time before our trip.

  • I am going on his trip in January and have started the process to obtain a Vietnam visa. It asks for a hotel confirmation with the traveler’s name on it. Tauck has said that no documents will be available until 60 days prior to the trip and, importantly, hotel confirmations have the group name not the individual’s. How did you handle this? Thanks!

  • Just call Tauck and ask them. They are closed today for training and have restricted hours for the next couple of days

  • Unfortunately, Tauck gave us this info and said they could be of no more help.

  • You can ask for the department that helps with this within Tauck. Hopefully MCD will see this as I think she posted about it a while ago. I’ll try to search for it

  • I think your final documents issued about sixty days before the trip should have a page that shows the hotel with your name on it. Sixty days should be plenty of time to get a visa, and many countries will not process earlier than that.

  • Found this in my notes, it was posted by Jan P a while ago

    For those having difficulty with the visa application process, a previous post listed the following special Tauck department just for help like this, called Journey Preparation Center. 866-951-0077. We used it to assist with answering some of the application questions. Hope it helps

  • My husband and I are leaving for this trip on Saturday. When I applied for our visas, I listed all of the hotel names that are listed on the generic trip details on both applications in the field for where you would be staying. My husband's was approved in around 3 business days. Mine was filled out identically with exception of our specific data and mine was rejected. The email said I needed to provide the detailed address for the address in Vietnam. Of course, there was a character limit so I could only put the detailed address for the first hotel in Hanoi. That did it though. Mine was approved about 5 days later. I guess if there had been a hotel change, the list in my husband's might not have been correct. All told his visa took less than a week and mine took about two so you could wait until you get your final documents even though you can apply once you are within 90 days of arrival. The Cambodia visa has to be within 60 days of arrival. When you get your tour documents, it specifically mentions emailing the journey preparation team at Tauck and they will provide with a document that you can include regarding the itinerary and internal flights. When I submitted the Cambodia visa applications, the site said they would be processed closer to arrival but they actually came through within two weeks.

  • edited November 2024

    When I have a Visa Question -- (note I obtain Visas by myself -- it can be a challenge and sometimes tedious -- Visas have changed over time from physical visas obtained by mailing passport to an Embassy, or going to a NYC Consulate, to now mostly eVisas.) Whenever I need answers to the questions asked on the Visa application, or documents needed for visa -- I call --
    Tauck JOURNEY PREPARATION CENTER 866-951-0077 (best source of the needed info at this department /// helpful -- yes!!!!) .

  • Going to VCT in January 2025. I'm beginning the visa process. I'm not sure which website to use - visa central (recommended by Tauck) or Vietnam I'm confused by the cost, too. Both charge $25 but the former site quotes $197 in additional fees.Any opinions or recommendatios?

  • I did VCT last January and did the visa application myself on the Vietnam web site. I had a bad experience with Visa Central a number of years ago with a China visa. I try to avoid them. They do charge a lot for doing what you can do yourself in this case.

  • We did it ourselves this year, Evisa. Be sure you have everything at hand to answer all the questions and be sure your payment goes through and you get a reference number that you can use to check its progress.

  • Thank you both for your replies!

  • Just a follow up... We used E-visa for our Vietnam visas. Patience is a virtue, however, due to gliches in the website. After filling out the application and uploading headshot photo and photo of passport page, it would not direct me to the site to pay the $25 fee. Rather it took trying over 2 days to finally complete payment. I received the visa within 10 days afterwards. My husband had trouble uploading the photo of his passport, even tough it was smaller than the required 2MB size. It took him repeated attempts over 3 days to successfully upload the photo and complete the application. He's expecting his visa by 11/30

  • @flboy - If you're going on the Tauck Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand tour, don't forget that you must get a Cambodia visa, also.

    I did both Vietnam and Cambodia on line and didn't have any problems.

  • We are going to VCT in January. Applied for eVisa for Vietnam yesterday and received the following notification:**** Requires additional information due to the following reason: Low quality passport data page****Did anyone receive similar notification? Does anyone know how and where to upload this supplemental information? No link to upload the document was provided.

  • Romano. It might mean that the scan you uploaded wasn’t good quality? Low quality.

  • Yes, it surely means not good quality. Suggest turning up the resolution on your scanner, or take a photo of the page and send that

  • Do a hi-rez scan of your passport and submit that. You may have to start over to submit the new image. Make sure your photo is correct - plain background, no smile, etc. and hi-rez.

  • When we went to Vietnam earlier this year, we went with a large group of friends and everyone had different experiences and frustrations with it, We got ours first go. if I recall correctly, if you have to re-submit, you have to pay the fee again.

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