
  • mil - I certainly will post as I go along, I'm only doing one extra day, I did the same when I went to India and it worked out well for me.

  • British - let me know if you come up with any other options for Singapore, I will also look when I return from Scandinavia, leaving tomorrow.

  • Wow, Gladys, that was another tour we were supposed to do in 2020 but never re-scheduled. Please post a review!!
    Singapore, weve booked a spa treatment so far far, just before the Welcome dinner. Will do more research next week. We went into the jungle last time. There was A Wild Singapore docu series a while ago, Attenborough of course that was interesting

  • Thanks! That’ll great news to hear the tour is a go! How is the weather! What sites did you see on your own?

  • I am leaving Monday for this tour and arrive in Singapore on Wednesday (tour starts on Saturday, August 20). I have researched the usual tourist favorites (and may book a tour or two through Viator) but if anyone knows of a “don’t miss” or not well known site or experience, please let me know. Also, if there are any fellow travelers out there, let’s connect.

  • So happy to read the “live report”…please those who are on the tours, share your impressions. Like smarks50, what extras did you do in Singapore! We won’t be there til May 2023 but love to plan ahead!

  • Singapore- we found our food tour on Viator. 5 hours of food and local culture… Chinese, Indian and Malaysian.

    My husband really wanted to see The Jewel. This was not on my list. Very glad we did. The best snapshot of Singapore life.

    Grab is the Uber of Singapore. We used it everyday

    People on our tour went on the big wheel, can’t remember what it’s called, and they said that it was definitely worth it.

    Don’t overload your schedule, the 12 hour time zone shift requires a nap or 2.

    More later

    P.S. today’s flight to Bali was canceled by the airline. We are leaving on the next flight 5 hours later.

    And the adventure continues 😎

  • Hey, mil, remember, Google is your friend. Let your fingers do the walking- Raffles to Merlion Park = .6 mi. / 14 min. 😀

  • Thank you Patty for all this valuable information, you are like the trail blazer on this tour and those of us follow ping soon appreciate it.
    Have you seen the dragons yet?
    What about the dress, was everyone casual in Singapore?

  • Mil, do you do any walking for exercise? .6 of a mile would take us 10 mins max

  • Patty, so smart you booked extra time in Singapore, as Tauck sched is a bit brief. You don't mention heat/humidity, so maybe not an issue? Still coping with stateside summer here, so on fence re S/B. Thanks for your helpful comments/review.

  • I’m expecting lots of humidity, no getting away from it there but hope we miss most of the rains

  • Mil, I’m not jabbing, I’m telling you how long it takes to walk .6 miles. I was raised with both imperial, metric and now imperial again, very useful! Do you have an Apple Watch or fit it, you can pace yourself.

  • Ok, ok, still in miles, but, remember, you can do “street view” and virtually walk it. If it were me, I’d go through Esplanade Park. The view of the harbor and iconic sky scrapers from Merlion is a jaw dropper!

  • AlanS - Google Maps can give you the same thing, but with the distances also in km. I had sent Mil a PM with the same information earlier. Too funny.

  • I was in Singapore in May (independent travel)…clearly this was not the ideal season. We were told the weather innSingapore is either very hot/humid, very very hot/humid or unbearable. I was there for unbearable. Walking around was very difficult due to the unbearable weather. We welcomed the brief showers for a respite from the extreme heat. Ironically we tried a local dish (spicy chili crabs) — another hot experience but delicious! And remember: gum chewing is subject to a fine in Singapore. They take clean streets very seriously.

  • I remember when we were there years ago, we bought our son a T shirt that said….. Singapore is a Fine city…..and then it listed everything that you could be fined for.

  • AlanS - are those 13 minutes metric or Imperial minutes?

  • Warp time.

  • Good morning Patty, looking forward to news about Bali today! How is the substitute Four Seasons hotel?

  • Thank you Patty, I'm taking the Sept. 3 tour your comments are very helpful

  • Yes, there are Komodo Dragons 😎

  • Wow, what an absolutely gorgeous photo! I’ve just been reading some dreadful reviews of the Komodo experiences on TripAdvisor. If you have time, could you provide some details about the day! Most people remark on the high heat and humidity, some didn’t see any dragons apart from some hanging around the cafe which are clearly fed and others say the park ranger guides are disinterested. Which of the three trails did you take? Do you get to go to the pink beach and swim or snorkel? Thank you

  • Oh. My. Word! Beyond my imagination, Patty. I can hardly wait to see them!

  • Great pictures Patty I'm leaving in 2 weeks

  • Hope someone reads this before I leave next week. My friend's doctor suggested doxycycline before and after trip as a preventative for malaria, esp. in Komodo Has anyone used ?

  • Here is the information from the CDC website. As your friend's doctor suggests doxycycline is on the recommended list due to the Komodo Islands area. I have no experience taking the drug.

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