
Per The forum- experts " Covid vaccine 2023-2024"



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    Ditto and fortunately, ours were complete. Checking the extended dates mentioned in the mailing. Even with the extension,they are only good until early February.

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    We received ours a few days ago. They were the same Binax as the prior ones; these had an expiration date of January 2024 (although I know that has been extended). Makes me believe that the old ones I still have will pick up the new variant, glad I didn’t throw them away.

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    edited October 2023

    Don’t take covid tests on a trip unless you are seriously ill’. The TD’s don’t put it quite that succinctly, but their meaning is clear. My wife got covid returning from our last trip, and had a slight cough. I did not ‘isolate’ from her and I never got it. If you take a test and it is positive you will ruin your vacation. Just stay away from other people and enjoy the trip. The two people who tested positive on our last trip were never ‘ill’ but they spent the entire trip in their cabin. You figure it out. You will unleash a raft of problems if you test positive because you had a little cough or felt tired. If you are sick … go for it. But, most people who get the current version of covid don’t get very ill. I’ve had a total of five covid vaccines, and I have a few vaccine side effects. I don’t plan on any more vaccinations.

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    Re: Sealord's comments. The last cruise we were on there were a number of people who exhibited signs of COVID. But nobody was going to the medical officer. If they did that, and tested positive, they would have been quarantined in their cabin.
    I suppose they were not feeling that bad and just went on with their activities.

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    It’s up to you to protect yourself. I have to confess, on our current trip that ends today, after one day in very humid Tokyo, we ditched our masks, it was the most uncomfortable we have ever been because of the humidity. We wore masks coming over on the plane. There are fifteen of us and four wear masks constantly. If we get Covid, clearly it’s our own fault. A large number of Japanese are wearing masks, especially restaurant and hotel staff.
    We could not get a Covid vaccine before this trip, it just was not available in our area. We have had five Covid shots, never knowingly had Covid and will continue to get updated vaccines as they are produced as we have for every other disease. Thank goodnesses there are scientists out there who continue research for all human diseases. Most of us would have shorter lives without them. And even you SeaLord would probably be lame without your knew knees.

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    Adding a ‘by the way’. I had an infected foot on our Greek Isles trip. I visited the ship’s doctor every day, and they never tested me for covid. When I visited our local hospital recently, one of the first things they did was test me for covid. No one on the ship wore masks, but I did see a crewmember who wore a mask when she went ashore. The two people in our group were the only people aboard who got covid during the trip. My wife had a mild case after our return.

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    Who can figure? During my recent hospital visit I was tested for COVID several times and was imaged and treated for multiple fractures but they never cleaned and dressed my multiple abrasions which had large scabs and blood trails.

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    Just terrible Alan, even after they checked you were stable? What happened to basic nursing care!

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    We are on the last day of our Treasures of the Mediterranean Isles on Ponant Le Jacques Cartier. Total 151 guest. We were informed that one person tested Covid positive two days ago and is isolating. We get off the ship tomorrow morning. There were several people in our groups coughing and sneezing, and one lady in particular was absolutely disgusting two days ago. She has a heavy, bronchial sounding cough, blowing her nose, and not covers her mouth when doing so. She boarded our bus several times with snot just running down her nose. UGGGGH! How can you stay healthy with someone that inconsiderate in the group? Yesterday my hubby started to feel yucky with a cold. He stayed in and today is doubtful if he will see Elba, as he feels tired. Just tested negative for Covid, but he does not want to be the one everyone gives dirty looks to today!

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    Well, in these situations, especially coughing lady, I would have told her directly to stay away of the group- specially away from me, unless she can prove she doesn't have Covid.- we all pay and invest to much (time-excitement and money) to have a selfish person take it away from us, beside the risk she is putting the passengers through. Very Selfish people. I'm going soon on a trip, planning on sitting somewhat apart from the coughers if any and while on the bus I will double mask!
    Hope your husband feels better.

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    He needs to test again, probably too early to show a positive test. Did you wear masks, you are your own advocate. The TD cannot ask someone to test. They might suggest masking, that’s all.

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    We.ve joined the club. Our doctor said 80% of international travelers are coming home with Covid. Its the 2nd time for us. Both times we got sick the last day of our tours which ended in Venice. We both had terrible sore throats but in the first case couldn't test until we arrived home and got a prescription for Paxlovid. The second time we had test kits (and Paxlovid) with us but tested negative while on tour and didn't get a positive result until we arrived home. To date, nobody else on our trip has informed us of any illness so far. Unfortunately Covid is here to stay. We wore masks on our plane and received the new vaccine 3 weeks before our departure so we should have been at maximum protection. The rewards of travel far outweigh the effects of Covid, just be sure to take test kits and Paxlovid (if you can convince your Dr. to prescribe it for you before your trip).

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    **sherry_schare ** Thanks for sharing. I'll be traveling to India soon and just recently got the new COVID vaccine. I have a check-up with my GP who is from India very soon. I will ask about Paxlovid. She's pretty good with loading me up on meds I need for India (just in case)- this will be India trip #2 for me (India/Nepal)

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    edited November 2023

    I just came back from my trip, NO COVID- no one on my group of 20 got it or had it during the tour,,, 3rd trip since 2021 opening, 3 different destinations, NO COVID.
    Not sure what these people are doing...

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    Sorry, no way 80% of international travelers are coming back with Covid, that’s pure exaggeration. I am suspicious that on our current tour we have a lady with something, sneezing, runny nose and she mentioned a headache a couple of days ago. Sat next to me at dinner last night ,sneezed. Oh well, too late, we’ll see!

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    edited November 2023

    I totally agree, EXAGGERATIONS! what does this Dr. do... is he at the airport with a manual counter... clicking every traveler?
    or those he has an ex-rate eye that detects the virus. People do like to talk bul.....

    Yes, there are those that claim it's allergies etc.. and have no common sense or respect for others, best thing to do, protect yourself, get vaccinated and also wear a mask in crowded places, busses or inside events. A couple of hours wearing a mask won't kill you.

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    TOTAL EXAGERATIONS !! There's no way the good Dr. can prove that.

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