Classic Italy May 7-20, 2024

Our first Tauck tour this May.. Small group Classic Italy. Friends did this trip in October 2023. How formal are the group dinners? Any suggestions from long time Tauck travellers?


  • We also did it last Oct and none of the dinners were formal. Some men wore coat/tie but most just wore dress shirts and slacks. Women wore dress pants and nice tops though a few.had dresses. It was fairly warm so dresses could be cooler. One couple spent the entire tour wearing athletic wear - leggings, stretch pants and sneakers. Yes they looked outside the norm for the tour but I don't believe they were ever denied food.

  • So I purchased tix online for the Borghese Gallery and the Florence Duomo climb.

    The instructions for the Borghese ticket says it must be printed on A4 paper for their scanner to read it. Is 8 1/2 by 11 close enough for it to work? Did anyone have a problem?

  • We were ok with 8 1/2 by 11 paper.

  • A guided tour of the Borghese will add greatly to your enjoyment. I highly recommend Francesca if she is available.

  • Another question for those who have done this tour:
    There is free time in Rome for both afternoons there. On the first day, I bought a ticket for the Borghese Gallery. I would like to buy a ticket for the Jewish Museum/Synagogue on the other day. Both of these are timed tickets. I'm concerned about the reported frequent schedule changes that occur on these days due to the uncertain timing of the after-hours Vatican tour. How did you guys deal with this potential issue?

  • Don’t book in advance

  • edited March 2024

    Didn't attempt to pre-book anything in Rome and it was a good thing I didn't!

  • I know that in the past the Borghese will sell out. So it's good you at least got that one. If you don't make it, you don't make it, but at least you tried because you may not get in otherwise. If other venues are less popular and don't tend to sell out, maybe you can buy the day before or morning of, using your cell phone. You could try communicating with the venue or the local hotel concierge to get an idea of how far in advance to buy. I've had good luck communicating with concierges in advance of our arrival. Trying to book something expensive in advance would certainly be dicey but a museum ticket can't be that much. Good luck.

  • Thanks. Fortunately, the tickets aren't very expensive, so if I do buy them and it doesn't work out, it's a donation

  • I think we bought tickets for the Jewish museum a day or two before we went to it

  • Does anyone know if the after-hours guided visit to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine
    Chapel includes the "Raphael Rooms"? Or is this something that should be planned separately on the Vatican day?

  • It was not included on our tour last Oct.

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