COVID restrictions returning?
There is an article in the Washington Post today about a number of countries re-instituting tougher restrictions. Destinations like Greece, France and Spain have instituted curfews and banned nightlife again as cases climb. Tourists waiting to ride up the Eiffel Tower had to get coronavirus tests on-site if they didn’t have proof of vaccination, a recent negative test or immunity through infection.
This is what I'm afraid off- and here, with variant cases going up... the U.S could go back to a RED! country , which means quarantine every where we go... or even worst! shutdown and the few business that barely survived the first one... will probably go down......
just because of a few IGNORANT! and stubborn ones.....
Now.. I'm being pessimistic!
It is disheartening for sure.
Finally a sound voice from the South: Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey issued an impassioned plea for residents of her state to get vaccinated against Covid-19, arguing it was “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for the disease’s continued spread.
A voice of reason
Even Florida Governor Ron DeSantis encouraged people to get the vaccine--it works. Of course, it's kind of hard to hear that message when so much coming out of his mouth about COVID is negative but it's in there.
Mil - it’s not a few ignorant people. It’s a bunch of ignorant people. 🥲
Last week, so not sure whether it's still current, I saw Spain had limited social gatherings to 6 indoors/8 outdoors. Does anyone know what this means for tour groups?
This situation makes me so sad. Now the media is saying it’s going to continue to get worse into the Autumn. I’m now thinking from a travel point of view that other countries will not be wanting American again, especially if the media keep promising breakthrough infections in vaccinated people. Unless we do mass testing of vaccinated people, we don’t know how rare or common this is. If it’s common, I’m not afraid of having serious Covid, but I’m afraid of being on vacations in a foreign country and having to quarantine there and maybe in compulsory state accommodation.
Is Tauck now starting to cancel tours that were supposed to be re-instated? We were going to book a US tour this week, but after 45 mins on hold, we gave up and decided not to bother.
I can’t believe I’m now thinking that my next tour with Tauck in March could be canceled. I’m thinking the only place people will be eager to book is Iceland….but I was there only three years ago, would like to go again but not yet!
This is supposed to be a travel forum. How about keeping your political views to yourself. We get enough of it in our every day lives!!!
The unfortunate reality is that the ability to travel nationally and internationally is going to deteriorate rapidly as states and countries continue to enact ever-changing and conflicting travel restrictions. To even consider travel today is pure folly.
In that case, how about being a contributor to the forum, rather than just a critic?
Smfx….The views I express are my views, they are not political. I gave up understanding much about how American politics work a long time ago. I passed the citizenship test with flying colors but even so….most of what I said above is fact. I know some people in states like Florida still don’t understand
British, I was not referring to you. I find your posts to be both interesting and informative. I was referring to the folks who find it necessary to criticize specific politicians in their posts. We all come from different backgrounds and political beliefs and share a common interest in traveling. If we leave out the politics, we can ALL enjoy what this forum has to offer. (BKMD, sorry you feel my comments were critical, but I'm sure others feel the same way)
It is sad that a first world country lik3 our s to have the resurgence of COVID-19.Disappointing to many & us who have the travel bug that we may have to wait longer to travel anywhere with peace.Watching closely the numbers and CDC site!Just as British mentioned my fear is being unable to return to US for abroad because of positive test or disease.initially the breakthrough cases were reported to be few but that seems to be changing as well.If vaccinated people are not go8n* to be that sick and they don’t transmit the virus to others why not change the negative COVID-19 test requirement for vaccinated US citizens?
My fear too is testing positive and not being able to return to the US as scheduled. It’s something I can’t control so we just have to be extra careful. I was thrilled when I got the info from Tauck for our upcoming trip at the end of August that Scylla is requiring vaccinations on their riverboats. I thought people could just show a negative test. That’s a big help in terms of safety.
I was happy about Scylla’s requirements for the passengers; how do we know whether the policy is the same for others on board including the staff of Scylla?
Look at these amazing figures, let’s hope the US gets there soon
Nearly 70% of UK adults are now fully vaccinated, and 88% have had their first jab, according to the latest figures.
Ya know, that has been the initial reaction of many, including us. It depends on your situation- do you need to get home and back to work, do you have somewhere important you actually must be, etc.? If you think about it, there are a lot worse things in this world that could happen. Unless you are un-vaccinated and actually get sick, you are likely to be in some major city with an international airport and nice hotels, so, other than getting really bored and dealing with purely administrative hassles, you'll likely be in a nice room, with good food, etc. It is not like you'll be put off the ship in Antarctica with snowshoes and a tent or some other out-of-the-way spot?
It is like the time our flight from Budapest arrived late in Amsterdam. We had to literally sprint to catch our next flight and got aboard just before they closed the aircraft doors. As we stowed our stuff and settled into our seats, still out of breath, one of the flight attendants put it all in perspective when he said, "There are a lot of worse things than having to spend an extra day in Amsterdam."
AlanS - ", other than getting really bored..."
What about the cost factor if you're stuck in a "nice" hotel room for 5-10 days quarantining. When you quarantine you aren't allowed to eat in the hotel restaurants. You must stay in your room and get room service. We had to do this in Iceland for 5 hours waiting for our airport PCR test results to arrive. If you had a failed test those 5 hours would easily turn into days. In our Iceland hotel, even though the breakfast was included, getting it via room service wasn't included.
Trying to minimize the impact of a failed test, and the resultant retesting or quarantining, doesn't seem like a good thing to do. Everyone should factor that possibility, no matter how small the chance, into their decisions as to travel or not.
Excellent point, Smiling Sam. I am desperate to travel again but not dying to travel nor quarantine in a foreign land. Between last year and this year I've rescheduled 5 trips so far and expect that my February Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand trip may not come to pass but I'll wait a little to reschedule that one. Hope springs eternal!
I'm not saying there won't be issues, but for those who are vaccinated and want to travel, a positive test on the last day isn't all that bad- a hassle and more money (budget dust?
) but it is far, far, better than testing positive on Day 1!! 
A lot to consider!Again if one does not want to take any risk,then postpone all travel till it is absolutely safe.Agree that if 10 days quarantine is the worst that can happen with a positive test or May be longer if you have symptoms ,to be stuck in a big city such as. Berlin would not be so bad.I think the COVID-19 insurance we have thru Tauck should cover some of the expense if not all.I did call Tauck and asked them about this situation.The temptation to take the risk along with the desire to travel makes it harder to make the call.
Ah Alan, I think you misunderstand here. There are countries which insist you isolate in a government facility, that could be dreadful, the food could be bad or limited etc.
in principle, we too obviously 🧬 have plenty of time to unexpectedly stay in a foreign country, but hey, only in a fancy hotel!
Having been confined to a grim hotel in Kuala Lumpur for just three days at the start of the Pandemic and not knowing when we could get home, with barely anything but pasta or greasy breakfast brought up to your room. Nothing but BBC news to watch that was not in a foreign language. It drives you mad, believe me.
Another consideration is never to travel without at least two weeks of vital medication with you.
Also, having to do laundry in your room that may take forever to dry.
We did exercises around the room, jumping up and down small hard chair to sit on, or it was lie on the bed. Better pack some extra reading too.
Just my experience, pick where you go carefully in case it happens to you.
If you wait to be ‘totally safe’ you will never travel again … nor probably leave your house. You can manage risk, but you cannot eliminate it. On our recent trip everyone was vaccinated, and everyone was tested at least five times in two weeks. I think we were safer there than in our own town where 60% are vaccinated, and most are never tested.
Every flight we were on was totally full. Buy a ticket or you will not get one. Stay home and enjoy your roses.
I’m not planning on staying home personally, I’m saying be realistic about how things could be and be prepared in certain countries.
If I may go off-topic: I love BBC News! I'll take it over CNN any day. And trying to follow local-language television is all part of the travel experience.
Sealord - you are right. It’s all about managing the risks of travel. However, there is a huge difference between ‘never traveling again’ and ‘just staying at home’ versus planning a safe entry into travel. You were on a ship where everyone was tested and vaccinated. Your environment was more controlled than most. I prefer land trips and I cannot be assured that those I come into contact at the hotels, restaurants, museums and other crowded indoor venues will be vaccinated. Yes, I’ve been vaccination but I would not want to be quarantined in a hotel or worse or be subjected to the angst of frequent testing. Perhaps France is onto something: a proposal requiring vaccinations for access to restaurants, museums, shops etc. While there is significant backlash over this proposal, there has been a significant increase in the number of vaccinations given since this proposal was floated.
Perhaps the ship thing is not clear. We did not remain on th ship for two weeks. The reason we got tested so often is we had to get tested to enter the ports that we visited where we did ‘shore excursions’. Our contact with the general populace was minimal other than the tour operators, bus drivers, boat drivers and inspectors who took our temperature and gave us a bracelet that signified that we were allowed to be ashore there. We went to beaches where there were restaurants, but we were not allowed to enter them. Waiters served us on the beach. The protocols on the ship were a minor inconvenience. We had to wear masks if not eating or drinking. Those who cruise realize that you are eating or drinking most of the time. My wife does not drink, so she would carry around a glass of water. All of the ship employees other than the entertainers were masked at all times. When I told them I was deaf and had to read lips they would unmask. I’m not deaf … I have some hearing loss and bad tinnitus so I do read lips. If I can’t see you I can’t hear you. Briefings from people wearing masks talking into a microphone were useless. My wife could hear some of it. The ship was only a third full on the first cruise, and a little more than half full on the second. They were very happy people. The happiest people were the employees. We always give extra cash tips to the people who provide us the best service. We knew four people from previous cruises on Windstar. I gave one young woman bar tender that we have known for some time the folded up ‘envelop’, and before I got away she ran out from behind the bar, came out the back door, and gave me a big hug. They appreciate being recognized.
@Sealord out of curiosity - where did you go?
We went to Sint Maarten where we boarded Windstar’s “Star Breeze” for two back to back seven day cruises. It was supposed to be a BVI cruise but the BVI’s closed due to covid surges. So we went to Barbados, St. Lucia, and Antigua … Pigeon Island and Castries in St. Lucia, and St. John and Falmouth Harbor in Antigua. We did sailing, snorkeling, beaching, beach barbecues, onboard barbecues, and fine dining at four onboard restaurants. The ship can hold 312 people but we had about 115 on the first cruise and around 200 on the second. The ship had been cut in half and stretched and totally rebuilt … basically a new ship from an old ship. It used to be the “Seabourn Spirit”. We were the ‘senior’ Yacht Club members on board so they offered us a free upgrade to the Owner’s Suite, which we turned down cuz there was no Grand Piano. (;-). We traded down to the next category for logistic reasons … my wife sleep walks and I need to defend the door and the balcony. The Owner’s Suite was too big to control.
Everyone onboard was vaccinated and we were covid tested five times while aboard.
Hi Everyone! My trip to Switzerland is a month from today. Tour starts on the 29th, but we're arriving 2 days early. I read peoples concerns about possibly testing positive and the expenses if you have to quarantine and decided to call AON, the insurer who handles the Guest Protection Plan, to ask about specific coverage if, God forbid, this was to happen.
Currently, if you had to quarantine due to a positive test, you would receive $1000 per person, per policy total under Trip Delay. This would cover hotel and food. Your flights would be covered under Trip Interruption. This trip delay kicks in if it's more than 6 hours, which obviously it would be if you were positive.
AON does have a Covid specific add on policy you could purchase, I was told it's $49 per person, and that would give you an additional $2000 for Trip Delay, per additional coverage purchased, and would increase your Medical to $50,000. This delay is for 12 hours or more and obviously you would hit this if you had to quarantine. I asked if we could just purchase one additional plan and that is fine, but if the other person whose name was not on the plan had any major medical issue, then they would not be covered under the additional $50,000. Currently my Guest protection goes up to $20,000.
Our protection was purchased in July 2020 when we booked this years trip. I know more recent plans cover more.
Just wanted to share some info because this additional coverage is worth it for peace of mind if we end up needing it which I hope we don't.
Now to research how I can get to quarantine in a chocolate factory!!! (again, God forbid) :-)