Our primary server in the lounge, John Paul from the Philippines, one of a few that we tipped at the beginning of the cruise, just said that this was the best cruise of the season. Their last cruise was eighteen days, and the weather was so bad they could only make seven landings. We made two per day, or Zodiac tours, every day, and had perfect weather … ok … one day the water was a bit rough, but we had a blast chasing a whale in the Zodiac. I should say, following the whale. We did not chase it. Antoine, the Zodiac pilot serving the Champagne is French, and like all of the Zodiac pilots had an advanced degree (Masters) in earth sciences. We asked how often he got to go home, and he said, “Why would I go home? I love this job.”. This has been the perfect cruise! I would not say it is “better” than Africa. They are ‘apples and oranges’. Both are superb trips, but in a totally different way. Africa is about the animals … Antarctica is something else! As our TD team leader said at the beginning, “sometime during this trip you will cry”.
I cried always at the welcome party, the introduction - circle time (...I get super nervous and always make a fool of myself, )
but I also cried during my trip to India every time we left the hotels, and all the servers would come out to wave goodbye, same in Casablanca. and also leaving the Nile River cruise boat.
I never thought, I would be interested on going to Antarctica but the more I see...the more it is growing on me, I'm really getting into it. I've already checked out the air routes from Seattle and which airlines to go with. of course, it will be for 2024-25.
I have to thank DoreenC for sharing those incredible pictures as well as cathyandsteve , with hers too and her great report.
I love to see our Forum is back to normal, with everyone sharing lots of info. great experiences, amazing pictures and friendly again. !
Waiting to see what Alans will report from Jordan & Egypt.
We just rounded Cape Horn passing from the South Pacific to the South Atlantic. All are busy packing. Our lead TD said this has been one of the best trips he has seen … he has crossed Drakes Passage seventy times. I remember he was talking up this trip with us eight years ago. Due to our medivac at the beginning we did the itinerary backwards and the prize was nearly perfect weather everywhere. We had a little rain at Deception Island but mostly brilliant sunshine. It is a very emotional experience.
Love all the photos…great memories of our magical Antarctic trip in 2014! Remains my favorite trip…it’s so unique! Hoping y’all get home safe and healthy…and Covid free!
We are back at the Buenos Aires Hilton with around a dozen ‘post cruise’ hangers on. We all had to do a third covid test in the last three days. Those who are going home tonight don’t need another test, but the second test got two more people. They waved goodbye from their balcony as we left. All of the covid positive people in Ushuaia are going to move to L’Austral for the remainder of their quarantine. We tested when we arrived in BA and most got their negative results while driving to the hotel. Our adventure was not at all interrupted by the positive tests. They went into quarantine but the cruise just kept trucking along. There were no reports of anyone actually being ‘sick’. Everyone got to enjoy almost the entire cruise even those who tested positive.
I wonder if a "positive" (discount) cruise could become a real thing.
All passengers would still need to be fully vax'd. Upon check in all positives, including crew, and anyone who isn't, but doesn't care, goes on one ship. During the unmasked welcome dinner, everyone shares dinner, dancing, a juicy welcome kiss from the "hot" captain, and a sauna. Everyone goes on to enjoy a fully open, non-socially distant, and unmasked cruise. After the last excursion or Farewell Dinner, everyone is tested. Those testing negative get to depart the ship in Ushaiao and go home, while those (including crew) still testing positive immediate start quarantine in their cabins and upon arrival in Ushaiao transfer to a quarantine ship or hotel for the length of required quarantine period. It could work, right?
For the feb.8th crew, this restaurant is worth another day in BA. This is probably the best restaurant I’ve eaten in BA, and probably anywhere. The food and service is superb. It’s about a ten minute taxi ride from the Hilton (five dollars). We thought about becoming bulimic in order to start over again. Make reservations thru the concierge. They open at eight … a good time to go. We were there on a Monday, and by nine pm they were crammed.
I just wanted to thank you for your reports and photos of your fabulous adventure. Your input, as well as those of cathyandsteve, made me feel as if I was right there with you. Oh, how I wish I could do this trip!
I wonder if that is the restaurant featured in one of the Somebody Feed Phil series. He did feature Buenos Aries.
It mist be good because the menu looks nothing special that you show. I haven’t cooked kidneys or liver for a long time, not so easy to find in the US.
I haven’t cooked kidneys or liver for a long time, not so easy to find in the US.
British - I love liver. As a matter of fact, I had it for dinner last night. I purchase it from a local butcher who receives a fresh delivery once a week. it sells out quickly. It's amazing the price per pound has tripled since the pandemic but folks don't seem to mind. I remember the first time I purchased after the price spike, before he began to slice it, he said, oh wait....I forgot to mention, the price has increased significantly.
I have a great liver recipe if you want to Pm me. I might have to see if I can find the exact proportions but can give you the ingredients and they don’t need to be exact
Liver should be eaten with caution, since the discovery that it can have significant vitamin A, too much of which is dangerous, we only ate it infrequently.
IMPOSSIBLE, liver is one of the vilest tasting thing in existence. Right there with Iceland's fermented shark (which Gordon Ramsey spit out on one of his shows, and Anthony Bourdain said it was the worst thing he'd ever eaten).
another vote here for liver, British, though I’ve had chicken more often than beef or veal. add a flavorful herbal mustard like tarragon and cooked apricots or apples…yum! the secret as with eggs, fish, etc. is not to overcook.
Sea lord’ I must gently take you to task on your comments about the cruise going on despite positive tests and quarantines. I am happy the show went on for those who had no positive tests. But for those of us quarantined it was “Antarctica Lite”. We didn’t get the whole experience of disembarking in zodiacs (only did 3 outings), making trip friends, dining with others, etc. We are grateful for what we did do and see, and the wonderful treatment from our TDs and medical staff. The view from our balcony was stunning. But while the show went on, some of us didn’t get to see the whole show.
Ours was a different cruise. No onboard testing until just before the last excursion. The crew was tested frequently. Everyone was tested prior to boarding.
Just a synopsis. We tested three times before getting on the boat … one was extra due to timing logistics. We tested three more times at the end … twice on the boat and once at the EZE airport. Everyone was told to see the Doctor if they did not feel well, but there was no random testing of guests on board until end. Everyone aboard had the opportunity to do at least nine of the ten excursions. One guest came alone cuz her husband tested positive enroute. I’m not sure that was a good idea because she later tested positive. But it is my understanding that few if any “partners” tested positive onboard. The Ponant expedition director tested positive but his wife did not. I think there is a ‘we are going to learn to live with it’ philosophy evolving. Almost all who tested positive had no symptoms as of the time of departing.
Our primary server in the lounge, John Paul from the Philippines, one of a few that we tipped at the beginning of the cruise, just said that this was the best cruise of the season. Their last cruise was eighteen days, and the weather was so bad they could only make seven landings. We made two per day, or Zodiac tours, every day, and had perfect weather … ok … one day the water was a bit rough, but we had a blast chasing a whale in the Zodiac. I should say, following the whale. We did not chase it. Antoine, the Zodiac pilot serving the Champagne is French, and like all of the Zodiac pilots had an advanced degree (Masters) in earth sciences. We asked how often he got to go home, and he said, “Why would I go home? I love this job.”. This has been the perfect cruise! I would not say it is “better” than Africa. They are ‘apples and oranges’. Both are superb trips, but in a totally different way. Africa is about the animals … Antarctica is something else! As our TD team leader said at the beginning, “sometime during this trip you will cry”.
We cried the first time we had to leave Africa
Sealord...sounds and looks like you had a fabulous tour. I am so happy for you!!!
I cried always at the welcome party, the introduction - circle time
(...I get super nervous and always make a fool of myself,
but I also cried during my trip to India every time we left the hotels, and all the servers would come out to wave goodbye, same in Casablanca. and also leaving the Nile River cruise boat.
I never thought, I would be interested on going to Antarctica but the more I see...the more it is growing on me, I'm really getting into it. I've already checked out the air routes from Seattle and which airlines to go with. of course, it will be for 2024-25.
I have to thank DoreenC for sharing those incredible pictures as well as cathyandsteve , with hers too and her great report.
I love to see our Forum is back to normal, with everyone sharing lots of info. great experiences, amazing pictures and friendly again. !
Waiting to see what Alans will report from Jordan & Egypt.
Me too!
I was just checking weather and the Dead Sea water temps in Jordan! 
We just rounded Cape Horn passing from the South Pacific to the South Atlantic. All are busy packing. Our lead TD said this has been one of the best trips he has seen … he has crossed Drakes Passage seventy times. I remember he was talking up this trip with us eight years ago. Due to our medivac at the beginning we did the itinerary backwards and the prize was nearly perfect weather everywhere. We had a little rain at Deception Island but mostly brilliant sunshine. It is a very emotional experience.
We are docking now in Ushuaia. Another ‘misty’ moment. The end of a ‘bucket list’ experience.
Love all the photos…great memories of our magical Antarctic trip in 2014! Remains my favorite trip…it’s so unique! Hoping y’all get home safe and healthy…and Covid free!
We are back at the Buenos Aires Hilton with around a dozen ‘post cruise’ hangers on. We all had to do a third covid test in the last three days. Those who are going home tonight don’t need another test, but the second test got two more people. They waved goodbye from their balcony as we left. All of the covid positive people in Ushuaia are going to move to L’Austral for the remainder of their quarantine. We tested when we arrived in BA and most got their negative results while driving to the hotel. Our adventure was not at all interrupted by the positive tests. They went into quarantine but the cruise just kept trucking along. There were no reports of anyone actually being ‘sick’. Everyone got to enjoy almost the entire cruise even those who tested positive.
I wonder if a "positive" (discount) cruise could become a real thing.
All passengers would still need to be fully vax'd. Upon check in all positives, including crew, and anyone who isn't, but doesn't care, goes on one ship. During the unmasked welcome dinner, everyone shares dinner, dancing, a juicy welcome kiss from the "hot" captain, and a sauna. Everyone goes on to enjoy a fully open, non-socially distant, and unmasked cruise. After the last excursion or Farewell Dinner, everyone is tested. Those testing negative get to depart the ship in Ushaiao and go home, while those (including crew) still testing positive immediate start quarantine in their cabins and upon arrival in Ushaiao transfer to a quarantine ship or hotel for the length of required quarantine period. It could work, right?
Alan - It's already been done. Check out the book, "Plague Ship."
For the feb.8th crew, this restaurant is worth another day in BA. This is probably the best restaurant I’ve eaten in BA, and probably anywhere. The food and service is superb. It’s about a ten minute taxi ride from the Hilton (five dollars). We thought about becoming bulimic in order to start over again. Make reservations thru the concierge. They open at eight … a good time to go. We were there on a Monday, and by nine pm they were crammed.
I just wanted to thank you for your reports and photos of your fabulous adventure. Your input, as well as those of cathyandsteve, made me feel as if I was right there with you. Oh, how I wish I could do this trip!
Safe travels home!
I wonder if that is the restaurant featured in one of the Somebody Feed Phil series. He did feature Buenos Aries.
It mist be good because the menu looks nothing special that you show. I haven’t cooked kidneys or liver for a long time, not so easy to find in the US.
I only gave you one page of the menu. There are several … the pastas and fish have their own menus, as does the deserts.
British - I love liver. As a matter of fact, I had it for dinner last night. I purchase it from a local butcher who receives a fresh delivery once a week. it sells out quickly. It's amazing the price per pound has tripled since the pandemic but folks don't seem to mind. I remember the first time I purchased after the price spike, before he began to slice it, he said, oh wait....I forgot to mention, the price has increased significantly.
I have a great liver recipe if you want to Pm me. I might have to see if I can find the exact proportions but can give you the ingredients and they don’t need to be exact
Liver should be eaten with caution, since the discovery that it can have significant vitamin A, too much of which is dangerous, we only ate it infrequently.
IMPOSSIBLE, liver is one of the vilest tasting thing in existence. Right there with Iceland's fermented shark (which Gordon Ramsey spit out on one of his shows, and Anthony Bourdain said it was the worst thing he'd ever eaten).

Smiling Sam--whoever is cooking it obviously does not know how to prepare it properly....
No liver for me thank you! It appears the flagger is busy today!
I sent PureLuxury my recipe. It’s so good, it doesn’t even taste anything like liver.
Come to dinner Sam and I’ll make it for you!
another vote here for liver, British, though I’ve had chicken more often than beef or veal. add a flavorful herbal mustard like tarragon and cooked apricots or apples…yum! the secret as with eggs, fish, etc. is not to overcook.
I think I should have posted a different page of the menu. The scallops were the best I’ve ever had.
Was liver on the menu😂 maybe whale seal or penguin liver!
Sea lord’ I must gently take you to task on your comments about the cruise going on despite positive tests and quarantines. I am happy the show went on for those who had no positive tests. But for those of us quarantined it was “Antarctica Lite”. We didn’t get the whole experience of disembarking in zodiacs (only did 3 outings), making trip friends, dining with others, etc. We are grateful for what we did do and see, and the wonderful treatment from our TDs and medical staff. The view from our balcony was stunning. But while the show went on, some of us didn’t get to see the whole show.
Ours was a different cruise. No onboard testing until just before the last excursion. The crew was tested frequently. Everyone was tested prior to boarding.
Just a synopsis. We tested three times before getting on the boat … one was extra due to timing logistics. We tested three more times at the end … twice on the boat and once at the EZE airport. Everyone was told to see the Doctor if they did not feel well, but there was no random testing of guests on board until end. Everyone aboard had the opportunity to do at least nine of the ten excursions. One guest came alone cuz her husband tested positive enroute. I’m not sure that was a good idea because she later tested positive. But it is my understanding that few if any “partners” tested positive onboard. The Ponant expedition director tested positive but his wife did not. I think there is a ‘we are going to learn to live with it’ philosophy evolving. Almost all who tested positive had no symptoms as of the time of departing.
Welcome home, Sealord. You no doubt have seen Shackleton Endurance is back in the news.
Sealord - Do you know how many different species of penguins you saw during your tour?