We observed the end of a honeymoon in the Mara- just one male and a female. Somehow females know that the activity was successful. When the male thought it was time to try again, the female was "so over it" and just walked away. The male followed for awhile but the female didn't even acknowledge him. She never once looked back at him and finally climbed a tree. He got the hint and wandered off.
Not only is the water demo wrong it does not straddle the equator. GPS shows that they may have thought that was the equator when they built the place way back when …. But the equator is at least a hundred feet South of that position. The water also swirls in the wrong direction.
We are ‘all’ now in Nairobi at the Serena preparing for lunch. The balloon ride is the last of my photo reports of this trip. The events of the final afternoon game drive shall remain a secret in order to allow future K&T travelers to enjoy those events on their own. All but one couple will fly out tonight. They are going to the Giraffe Manor. Many of the rest of us are on the same flight, so we will have fun terrorizing the flight attendants. Thank you for you interest. We may still be able to respond to questions while waiting at the Nairobi airport for our flight which is due to depart for Amsterdam at midnight.
Our first Tauck Africa K&T trip was intended to be a one of a kind, once in a lifetime trip. I just finished our trip ‘evaluation’ report for Bill and was a bit surprised to add up all our trips and come up with eleven … probably a small number compared with your own British. We have one more this year and two booked for next year. I will never say never, but it would have to be 2024 or later. I just bought a new ‘Kenya” belt as my old one is a bit worn, and never fit quite right. The ‘big five’ necklaces have become unavailable for some reason.
Most of the hotel staff wear masks, and the buffets have boxes of gloves to be worn while serving yourself, and are thrown in a ‘hazmat’ container after use. Very few customers wear masks, and AirKenya ‘sometimes’ requires masks, and sometimes does not. Their crews wore masks. The Nairobi Serena Hotel is very nice … nicer than I remember it.
Sealord,your photos and commentary have been balm for this traveled starved Africa addict. Thank you ever so much for spending part of your vacation time keeping us posted. So happy you had such a wonderful trip. My Tauck clock is ticking down the seconds until my B, SA and Z adventure in early September.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, Sealord. If you have a chance can you comment on the food? Quality? Variety? Did any one particular meal stand out? Thank you and safe travels.
Sealord, our TL on the South Africa Elegant Adventure said B, Z and SA was his favorite trip. Looking forward to the meerkats, sleeping under the stars in the Kalahari, meeting the Bushmen, and, of course, walking with the lions. 🦁
PureLuxury and British: At the boma in Kruger I tried warthog and zebra; one was tender and one was tough but I don’t remember which! Love, love, loved the Cape Grace and CapeTown in general. ♥️
British, Those protea flowers at the Cape Grace were over the top! The Cape Grace cannot be rivaled for service; the concierge arranged for their car service to take me downtown to Long Street where I made sure my credit card was working at TribalTraditions 😊Generally, I prefer “older” hotels as opposed to the colder, ultra modern ones, but the One and Only will be a nice change of pace after the Delta.
Is the taste and texture of ostrich more like fowl or beef?
Beautiful flowers everywhere. Cape Grace vs One & Only, true about personality or ambiance, but to compare them is like comparing Kobe to just Wagyu
If your hubby is so over Cape Town, but you still have things to see and shopping to do, you can take advantage of the special services available at this place on the V & A waterfront.
And don't miss the aquarium near the One & Only- it is relatively small but very well done and has nice tanks filled with colorful local fish, a penguin area, and some interesting Clown Fish!
Alan, ostrich is beefy; it definitely doesn’t “taste just ike chicken”. The aquarium is on my list for my free time in the marvelous Mother City. I also might have to stop in at the Cape Grace for an Amarullo on the rocks or a glass of Pinotage at the bar with Gerald if he still works there😉 Leaving the hubby home on this trip, but what a great day care idea!
It sure looked plausible, but the spinning water demonstration doesn't adhere to the laws of physics.
or these days, instead of vaping?

Its a tough job, but somebody has to do it!
The scene reminds me of Paxton Quigley in the 1968 movie Three in the Attic. 
Terrific shots!
I couldn't find the "X-Rated" flag!

We observed the end of a honeymoon in the Mara- just one male and a female. Somehow females know that the activity was successful. When the male thought it was time to try again, the female was "so over it"
and just walked away. The male followed for awhile but the female didn't even acknowledge him. She never once looked back at him and finally climbed a tree. He got the hint and wandered off.
Ladybombay - How in the world did the mystery flagger miss your post? He/she/they/them must be slipping. 😆
😂😂😂 They were probably not finished, just resting, it goes on for days. And yes, we have seen these sites too on tour!
Not only is the water demo wrong it does not straddle the equator. GPS shows that they may have thought that was the equator when they built the place way back when …. But the equator is at least a hundred feet South of that position. The water also swirls in the wrong direction.
We are ‘all’ now in Nairobi at the Serena preparing for lunch. The balloon ride is the last of my photo reports of this trip. The events of the final afternoon game drive shall remain a secret in order to allow future K&T travelers to enjoy those events on their own. All but one couple will fly out tonight. They are going to the Giraffe Manor. Many of the rest of us are on the same flight, so we will have fun terrorizing the flight attendants. Thank you for you interest. We may still be able to respond to questions while waiting at the Nairobi airport for our flight which is due to depart for Amsterdam at midnight.
Thank you SeaLord! Will you go again?
Thanks, Sealord. What a fantastic trip. We depart 6 weeks from today, and can’t wait!
Our first Tauck Africa K&T trip was intended to be a one of a kind, once in a lifetime trip. I just finished our trip ‘evaluation’ report for Bill and was a bit surprised to add up all our trips and come up with eleven … probably a small number compared with your own British. We have one more this year and two booked for next year. I will never say never, but it would have to be 2024 or later. I just bought a new ‘Kenya” belt as my old one is a bit worn, and never fit quite right. The ‘big five’ necklaces have become unavailable for some reason.
Most of the hotel staff wear masks, and the buffets have boxes of gloves to be worn while serving yourself, and are thrown in a ‘hazmat’ container after use. Very few customers wear masks, and AirKenya ‘sometimes’ requires masks, and sometimes does not. Their crews wore masks. The Nairobi Serena Hotel is very nice … nicer than I remember it.
Sealord,your photos and commentary have been balm for this traveled starved Africa addict. Thank you ever so much for spending part of your vacation time keeping us posted. So happy you had such a wonderful trip. My Tauck clock is ticking down the seconds until my B, SA and Z adventure in early September.
B,Z, and SA is a wonderful trip. You will have a blast.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, Sealord. If you have a chance can you comment on the food? Quality? Variety? Did any one particular meal stand out? Thank you and safe travels.
Sealord, our TL on the South Africa Elegant Adventure said B, Z and SA was his favorite trip. Looking forward to the meerkats, sleeping under the stars in the Kalahari, meeting the Bushmen, and, of course, walking with the lions. 🦁
kfn: I think the food at Mt. Kenya was the best. I had another photo but lost it. This was soup and desert. Food throughout was quite good.

Great pictures Sealord, safe travels home.
Looks delicious and so elegantly presented!
Soup and desert...clever! Wonderful commentary and photos, Sealord.
Sealord, British and everyone else: Thank you for all your input, photos and commentary. I feel much better prepared. Leaving one month from today!
I ate an ostrich burger in Kruger, and it was delicious! I did, however, pass on the camel burger in Morocco😉
Ladybombay I had an ostrich dinner at the Cape Grace hotel in Cape Town. It was indeed delicious. I ordered it twice!
I ate kudu in Namibia and my hubby ate Zebra
PureLuxury and British: At the boma in Kruger I tried warthog and zebra; one was tender and one was tough but I don’t remember which! Love, love, loved the Cape Grace and CapeTown in general. ♥️
Yes, I also love the Cape Grace, much better then the One and Only which lacks personality
British, Those protea flowers at the Cape Grace were over the top! The Cape Grace cannot be rivaled for service; the concierge arranged for their car service to take me downtown to Long Street where I made sure my credit card was working at TribalTraditions 😊Generally, I prefer “older” hotels as opposed to the colder, ultra modern ones, but the One and Only will be a nice change of pace after the Delta.
Is the taste and texture of ostrich more like fowl or beef?
Beautiful flowers everywhere. Cape Grace vs One & Only, true about personality or ambiance, but to compare them is like comparing Kobe to just Wagyu
If your hubby is so over Cape Town, but you still have things to see and shopping to do, you can take advantage of the special services available at this place on the V & A waterfront.
And don't miss the aquarium near the One & Only- it is relatively small but very well done and has nice tanks filled with colorful local fish, a penguin area, and some interesting Clown Fish!
Finally - We've found Nemo!!
Alan, ostrich is beefy; it definitely doesn’t “taste just ike chicken”. The aquarium is on my list for my free time in the marvelous Mother City. I also might have to stop in at the Cape Grace for an Amarullo on the rocks or a glass of Pinotage at the bar with Gerald if he still works there😉 Leaving the hubby home on this trip, but what a great day care idea!
Has anyone read the fiction series by Alexander McCall Smith about Botswana. Delightful.
Before we start packing, those that are done with the K&T tour, how expensive is it to do laundry, regular hotel pricing, or less?