How many Tauck customers have been inoculated for Covid?
I am Interested in how many of us are vaccinated or intend to be vaccinated in order to travel.
I am Interested in how many of us are vaccinated or intend to be vaccinated in order to travel.
Wife and I have both had first shot. My wife got the Pfizer and I got the Moderna. She gets her second shot on March 3rd. I get my second shot on March 13th. We were at different times because we are on different sides of the 70 threshold. We’re in Arizona.
Cathy, the 330,000 you mention, is that the entire state of Missouri? The now 172,000 list I am on is just the one county in PA. We think we are in the first 35,000
I had my second Pfizer shot (in NH) this morning.
British - The population of Missouri is ~6.3M. I would assume the 330,000 Cathy refers to is just for the currently eligible to receive the vaccine, but haven't gotten it yet number.
We live in TX and have been fully vaccinated since end of January. Our County Health department has done a stellar job of vaccine rollout.
My husband and I both had our first Pfizer vaccine and have appointments for our second next Wednesday. We are in Illinois.
Laura and I have had both Pfizer vaccines. We are 71 in NJ
My husband and I are in the over 70 group and had our 2nd Moderna shot on Feb. 5th in Ky.
I don't believe many states have started giving to the 65 and up group and certainly not to under 65.
My husband and I are both due to get 2nd dose of Moderna in a week. We live in south jersey. We are both 65 and became eligible the end of January.
Michigan 65+ first Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Second dose scheduled in 3 weeks.
Had my 2nd Pfizer vaccine today - in NJ. Am in the >65 group. It was a challenge getting the appointment. I recommend checking out Facebook and/or Twitter for tips and strategies in securing appointments. Initially I just signed up and waited to be called. It never happened - as least in NJ.
We live in the Houston area. My husband and I have both had the first shot and will get our second shot this Monday.
Today we received an email from. CVS and two local hospitals that the vaccine is available and to make an appointment.
It looks as if the vaccine is becoming more available at least here in the Houston area.
With that being said we did push out Spain and Portugal trip from October 2021 to May 2022. We may be vaccinated here in the US but niot sure of other countries !
Both of us had 2nd shots of Pfizer on February 1 in Asheville, NC
My husband and I both had our first Pfizer vaccine and have appointments for our second on March 7. We live in Tucson but had to go to Phoenix for our shots. It was very well organized and we were there for about thirty minutes including the fifteen minutes wait to see if we had any allergic reaction to the vaccine.
Not me. I don't qualify yet. Had a recent birthday and one of my kids sent me this. She said she had this planned for years
I'm a Nurse Anesthetist, so was vaccinated in December. My husband works at Wake Forest Univ., & unfortunately, his group hasn't come up yet - drives me crazy, as I think all school & universities should be a priority also. Things are going well in my county in NC, I hate to read how hard it is for others.
Eloise and I have had both Moderna shots. So far, of the people we have met in the hot tub here at Yosemite, only one had not had both shots. All, by the way wore masks until entering the hot tub, and then we maintained social distancing.
My husband and I, in the Chicago suburbs, have both had our first Moderna vaccination and will get our second in two weeks from Walgreens.
Who was singing "When, I'm 64," because it sure wasn't the Beatles!
I am in a San Francisco suburb and received confirmation today that I can have my second Pfizer shot on Monday. Thank heaven in my county we have some great healthcare workers who are somehow managing this around our incompetent governor (up for recall). I have five trips booked with Tauck from late May through October; the May and June trips are looking iffy (Italy and Scotland with a week of London theater in-between) but I am hoping the remaining three (American West, Bali - rescheduled from last August, and a cruise from France to Portugal) will be able to go. At this point I would go just about anywhere that is offered!!
It's a remastered version. Sounds like McCartney to me.
Both of us have a our shots. She got Pfizer & I got Moderna - Neither of us had any side effects. Thanks The Good LORD.
I am under 55 years old and almost embarrassed to say I've had my first shot and have a scheduled date for my second shot. I received the shot during the week when South USA was experiencing absolute frigid temps and just bad weather all around. Folks who were scheduled to receive the shots were unable to make their appointments. I have a really good friend who heads up one of the hospital vaccination sites. I luckily live near that site. As it was close to the end of the day, she made calls to people she thought could travel safely to the clinic to obtain the doses. At that point it was a no-brainer. I'm hoping everyone receives their doses soon and the process goes smoothly.
My boyfriend and I, over 65 group, living in NC had our first Moderna shot on Feb 4 with 2nd shot schedule for March 10. No side effects for either of us. North Carolina has now opened up schedules for all child care and school workers in the state. NC has also put a stop to people from outside our State driving over the border to obtain the shot and has put priority on NC Citizens. I don't know how well it is being enforced, but I think it is a good idea. There are still shortages of the vaccine, however, with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine approved it should soon become easier to get a vaccine especially if the shots are available at local pharmacies plus major chains like Walgreens and CVS. Cathy, I am so sorry that you haven't been able to get a vaccine yet. It is so frustrating that there is such a disparity among the various states, doesn't make sense. Hopefully your state will be able to obtain the Johnson and Johnson vaccine soon. Keep the faith.
PureLuxury - You hit the jackpot w/r to the vaccine, you being so young. It just proves the old saying, It's not what you know, but who you know that counts.
I have gotten my first shot on Feb 4, next one on Mar 4 (in Massachusetts) . Getting the shot was easy (15 min at Gillette Stadium). Getting the appointment was a difficult chore.
Now they are giving shots to 65+ people and those with 2 comorbidities. That is about 1.1 million, but they only have about 130,000 shots/week. The sign up by computer is a total disaster, people log on and are told that there is a wait, sometimes as long as hundreds of hours. Basically it is a real crapshoot
first shot of Moderna, Feb 4; second dose of Moderna scheduled for March 4
Also in MA. I agree with PF606590 about the sign up. When they opened it to the 65+ the governor took the vaccines away from the hospitals and gave them to the mass vaccination sites. Last week the system totally crashed. This week wasn't much better. You'd be in a wait line and when you got the the front of the line, there were not anymore vaccines available.
The good news is that the hospitals negotiated with the governor and are now getting vaccines again. MassGeneralBrigham is contacting their patients who are eligible on on random basis and inviting them to schedule appointments. My husband got an invitation this week and will be getting his first shot new week. I hope to get an invitation in the following weeks. It will sure be a lot easier than trying to get on a sign up system which was totally booked after being open for 90 minutes and told to try again next Thursday!
I think that our travel will be in the US this year. The best would be to get to Canada to see our relatives or have them come here. Right now the border is still closed and even Canadians returning to Ontario need to get a test and quarantine at government sponsored hotels until getting a negative result. According to our relatives that is also difficult. You cannot call the hotel but must go through a government agency.
The Mrs. and I got the first Moderna jab on January 23rd. Our second shot at 4 weeks was scheduled for February 13th. Due to all the weather related logistic issues, Washington state only got 10% of the allotted vaccines. Needless to say our appointment was cancelled. We are rescheduled for this weekend at 5 weeks out from the first shot. Keeping fingers crossed.
Florida, 65+. Completed both Modernas Feb. 2.