Pfizer #1 was received yesterday. Small town Colorado has a pretty efficient system through the local hospital. When your group is eligible, you register your interest on their website. When vaccine is available, they call you to schedule your appointment. I waited about three weeks. The vaccination clinic is in the gym at the community center and well-run.
Both husband and myself (69 years old) fully vaccinated as of February 14. We are in CA. It was not easy to wander the appointment maze but persistence paid off. Son in law (Non Hodgkin s lymphoma ) got his first shot today (thank god) as did teacher daughter
What a 24 hours we have had.......First the good news, my husband got his shot this morning! He was checking his email about 5pm last night on his iPad and saw an email arrive about getting his appointment. He jumped off his armchair and ran to the study to our laptop and got took about ten minutes from start to finish re-entering all the information he had already provided the county website including scanning his health insurance card and electronic signing the online ‘paperwork’ and then an appointment for this morning. Meanwhile, my email popped up with my appointment invite. As soon as he finished, I got on the computer, but got a please wait icon.....we assumed by then, that the 35,000 people on this phase had started doing the same thing. We waited and waited, ate dinner in front of the lap top, watched tv in front of the laptop, it got to 10pm, we did not know whether we were in a queue, we decided to close and try again....we got into the system and I was able to make my appointment for Tuesday! The county had had a huge number of people fraudulently getting appointments, but now they are turning people away if they do not have the individual code that comes with your email invite. I won’t feel secure until I get that shot on Tuesday and it actually happens. We feel happy that we waited ethically for our turn which so many people have not. We never slept a wink last night we were so full of anxiety and yet elation.
This morning, I went along for the ride as I was not sure exactly where to go.
When we got home, the answer phone was flashing.....Tauck had called to tell us our April tour of Israel and Jordan was cancelled. We got straight on the phone and waited a long time for our turn to an agent. Instead of asking for our money back as we have done so far for our canceled tours, we got a date for March 2022, figuring of all the countries we might have a chance of going to in the near future it’s Israel, Jordan, who knows.
As all of you who have been fortunate to have at least had one dose of vaccine, will know, it really elevates your hope.....and I haven’t gotten mine yet. I pray that everyone who wants a vaccine gets one very soon. And extra special good thoughts go to Cathy!
Happy for you British and hoping you get the vaccine soon. I'm waiting for my April river cruise to cancel. Tauck will not decide until March 16th? Wonder why.
Cathy, if your state is like ours, they have suddenly ramped up. The large vaccination site my hubby went to has switched from Moderna to Pfizer this week because of supply issues. I’ll let you know if my appointment works out on Tuesday
Here’s an interesting fact for people who don’t know....Our son works at Pfizer, so if we tell him of any side effects we feel from the Pfizer vaccine, he is obliged to document it and tell Pfizer. It’s the same with all pharmacy companies. It’s a lot of work for Pfizer employees, so if we suffer any effects, we are going to have to tell him we feel fine. As a perk, Pfizer have finally decided to vaccinated their employees. Moderna did that from the get go
British, I have gotten follow-up texts from the VAMS/CDC asking about any side effects from my vaccine. Daily at first, then weekly. So you'll be able to report any side effects without involving your son.
It is actually not that far-fetched. Moderna has just completed a modified formulation of the vaccine that is supposed to be more effective against the South Africa variant. They have sent it to NIH for further testing, trials, and analysis. They are also looking at the outcome of simply giving people a third dose of the existing vaccine. If either of these options prove viable, a third inoculation will be in order.
Would love to report that my husband or I had had our shots but no such luck. NM is doing a very efficient job of getting shots in arms but is one of 4 states that hasn't opened it up to the 65-75 crowd. Those that I know who have had it are over 75, a medical worker, etc. Hearing stories of people slipping over the border to TX and CO to get theirs. It's frustrating but who knows, maybe the wait will mean we'll get the 1 dose J&J, an improved Moderna, etc.
British, Claudia - Super attitudes. Good for you. It goes against the old saying, but since there is nothing you can do I love that you have a positive attitude.
A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush Meaning Definition: Having something for certain is better than the possibility of getting something better.
My husband and I, 77 yrs, received our 1st Moderna Vaccine on 12/26/20. 2nd Vaccine on 1/23/21. We live on Maui. Nice to have peace of mind that we will not die of COVID. And if we should get it, it will be mild. Essence of Japan was cancelled May 2020. We are scheduled May 2021. Japan has cases spiking and they were suppose to start vaccines end of Feb. I am sure we will here soon from Tauck, cancelling our trip. We have a trip planned Egypt/Nile River Cruise, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Israel, Jordan, Petra in November with Viking. Will see if that happens. We would have liked to use Tauck, never tried Viking, but Viking River Boat on the Nile is small and they had the pre/post tours we wanted that made it convenient for us to arrange with Viking with transfers pre/post. In another post, someone mentioned after getting the vaccine shots, that they were ready for the world, but the world was not ready for them. I feel the same way.
BK,MD, There are rarely any posts on Sundays these days. I thought maybe they had locked people out from posting Sundays.
You have never been to Walmart, hilarious. If you are like me, you go for one specific thing and an hour later come out with a cart full of stuff that you never knew you needed.
Here’s the latest on our Vaccine experience....
When my husband was getting his, he was asked and told three times that he must be available on the 19th to get his second Pfizer shot. Yesterday, he got an email saying, it was a mistake, the guidelines are that the shot can be given up to 42 days after ( which is totally ‘off label’ that is not how it was researched or was approved by the FDA) and now his apparently will be a week later on the 26th
I am still hopefully getting my shot tomorrow morning.
My husband and I just got our second COvid shot this morning.
Waiting to hear from Fauci all that can or might go wrong after being vaccinated. Fauci is the king of "Yes" "No" or "Maybe so". Why would anyone with an ounce of sense listen to this clown?
Anyway guess we are no more worse than we were before being vaccinated.
Why would anyone with an ounce of sense listen to this clown?
I believe he recommended that people get vaccinated, like you and your husband did. You must have felt what could go wrong from being vaccinated was better than what could go wrong with not being vaccinated. If you are so concerned about what can or might go wrong after being vaccinated I'd thought you would have researched it before getting TWO shots. Just saying I think you might consider owning some of your displeasure.
Eleonore, you don’t know how lucky you are, some people would kill to be in your position. I hope to get my first shot tomorrow. I feel good that I have waited for my turn legally because as Cathy pointed out, thousands of people in our state,PA, have been getting vaccines by jumping the line after friends and relatives have passed forms on. They finally devised a system to stop it, which I guess is why I got my appointment.
I can tell you about elderly people I know personally who are on active chemotherapy, have MS so badly they can hardly walk and so on, who can’t get a vaccine because of all the queue jumping.
Science evolves rapidly, I know since I had my initial training, almost everything is different these days, it’s up to scientist and medics, nurses etc to keep up to date and in addition let the public know that things have changed, like Fauci is doing. He hasn’t been clear at times to those who don’t understand much science. I admit, but it’s easy for anyone to research the genuine research out there
I was on the clinical trial for the Pfizer vaccine last fall. I learned the first week of February that I actually got THE vaccine. I was thrilled; otherwise, it could have been a while before I got the vaccine as I am 63.
Pfizer #1 was received yesterday. Small town Colorado has a pretty efficient system through the local hospital. When your group is eligible, you register your interest on their website. When vaccine is available, they call you to schedule your appointment. I waited about three weeks. The vaccination clinic is in the gym at the community center and well-run.
Both husband and myself (69 years old) fully vaccinated as of February 14. We are in CA. It was not easy to wander the appointment maze but persistence paid off. Son in law (Non Hodgkin s lymphoma ) got his first shot today (thank god) as did teacher daughter
What a 24 hours we have had.......First the good news, my husband got his shot this morning! He was checking his email about 5pm last night on his iPad and saw an email arrive about getting his appointment. He jumped off his armchair and ran to the study to our laptop and got took about ten minutes from start to finish re-entering all the information he had already provided the county website including scanning his health insurance card and electronic signing the online ‘paperwork’ and then an appointment for this morning. Meanwhile, my email popped up with my appointment invite. As soon as he finished, I got on the computer, but got a please wait icon.....we assumed by then, that the 35,000 people on this phase had started doing the same thing. We waited and waited, ate dinner in front of the lap top, watched tv in front of the laptop, it got to 10pm, we did not know whether we were in a queue, we decided to close and try again....we got into the system and I was able to make my appointment for Tuesday! The county had had a huge number of people fraudulently getting appointments, but now they are turning people away if they do not have the individual code that comes with your email invite. I won’t feel secure until I get that shot on Tuesday and it actually happens. We feel happy that we waited ethically for our turn which so many people have not. We never slept a wink last night we were so full of anxiety and yet elation.
This morning, I went along for the ride as I was not sure exactly where to go.
When we got home, the answer phone was flashing.....Tauck had called to tell us our April tour of Israel and Jordan was cancelled. We got straight on the phone and waited a long time for our turn to an agent. Instead of asking for our money back as we have done so far for our canceled tours, we got a date for March 2022, figuring of all the countries we might have a chance of going to in the near future it’s Israel, Jordan, who knows.
As all of you who have been fortunate to have at least had one dose of vaccine, will know, it really elevates your hope.....and I haven’t gotten mine yet. I pray that everyone who wants a vaccine gets one very soon. And extra special good thoughts go to Cathy!
Hallelujah! Happy Days are Here Again! Great news on both accounts!
Of course when you put it in context we are still looking at numbers like this- a loooong time before we travel!:
383 Days! until Jordan & Egypt on 17 March 2022
446 Days! until Treasures of the Aegean 18 May 2022
647 Days! until XMAS Mkts on the Rhine 6 Dec 2022 (it will be over 4 years since we booked our first attempt way back on October 21, 2018)
647 Days#$%?!@!! Can you believe that???
I've had both Moderna shots.
Happy for you British and hoping you get the vaccine soon. I'm waiting for my April river cruise to cancel. Tauck will not decide until March 16th? Wonder why.
Cathy, if your state is like ours, they have suddenly ramped up. The large vaccination site my hubby went to has switched from Moderna to Pfizer this week because of supply issues. I’ll let you know if my appointment works out on Tuesday
Here’s an interesting fact for people who don’t know....Our son works at Pfizer, so if we tell him of any side effects we feel from the Pfizer vaccine, he is obliged to document it and tell Pfizer. It’s the same with all pharmacy companies. It’s a lot of work for Pfizer employees, so if we suffer any effects, we are going to have to tell him we feel fine. As a perk, Pfizer have finally decided to vaccinated their employees. Moderna did that from the get go
British, I have gotten follow-up texts from the VAMS/CDC asking about any side effects from my vaccine. Daily at first, then weekly. So you'll be able to report any side effects without involving your son.
Well here's some good news - Colorado shifted their eligibility criteria/categories again and now, as a 60+, I will be eligible starting March 5.
Has anyone signed for their 3rd (booster) shot?

It is actually not that far-fetched. Moderna has just completed a modified formulation of the vaccine that is supposed to be more effective against the South Africa variant. They have sent it to NIH for further testing, trials, and analysis. They are also looking at the outcome of simply giving people a third dose of the existing vaccine. If either of these options prove viable, a third inoculation will be in order.
Would love to report that my husband or I had had our shots but no such luck. NM is doing a very efficient job of getting shots in arms but is one of 4 states that hasn't opened it up to the 65-75 crowd. Those that I know who have had it are over 75, a medical worker, etc. Hearing stories of people slipping over the border to TX and CO to get theirs. It's frustrating but who knows, maybe the wait will mean we'll get the 1 dose J&J, an improved Moderna, etc.
Cathy, don't we both wish we were in a boat somewhere doing something a lot more fun.
Funny Claudia, but you are correct, you could end up with an improved vaccine!
British, Claudia - Super attitudes. Good for you. It goes against the old saying, but since there is nothing you can do I love that you have a positive attitude.
A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush Meaning Definition: Having something for certain is better than the possibility of getting something better.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I like lemonade - especially with a shot of rum.
So Cathy, you beat me to it after all 🥰🥰🥰
First shot on Jan 3. Second on Feb 2.
My husband and I, 77 yrs, received our 1st Moderna Vaccine on 12/26/20. 2nd Vaccine on 1/23/21. We live on Maui. Nice to have peace of mind that we will not die of COVID. And if we should get it, it will be mild. Essence of Japan was cancelled May 2020. We are scheduled May 2021. Japan has cases spiking and they were suppose to start vaccines end of Feb. I am sure we will here soon from Tauck, cancelling our trip. We have a trip planned Egypt/Nile River Cruise, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Israel, Jordan, Petra in November with Viking. Will see if that happens. We would have liked to use Tauck, never tried Viking, but Viking River Boat on the Nile is small and they had the pre/post tours we wanted that made it convenient for us to arrange with Viking with transfers pre/post. In another post, someone mentioned after getting the vaccine shots, that they were ready for the world, but the world was not ready for them. I feel the same way.
The good news - I have vaccine appt #1 for Fri, 3/5 - first day of eligibility!
The bad news - It will be my first time inside a Walmart
BTW, can't believe there were ZERO forum posts yesterday!
BKMD - Doing a little shopping before his vaccination at Walmart.
Congrats on getting scheduled for your first shot. Since you're getting it at Walmart, I forgot to ask what disease is the vaccination for?
BK,MD, There are rarely any posts on Sundays these days. I thought maybe they had locked people out from posting Sundays.
You have never been to Walmart, hilarious. If you are like me, you go for one specific thing and an hour later come out with a cart full of stuff that you never knew you needed.
Here’s the latest on our Vaccine experience....
When my husband was getting his, he was asked and told three times that he must be available on the 19th to get his second Pfizer shot. Yesterday, he got an email saying, it was a mistake, the guidelines are that the shot can be given up to 42 days after ( which is totally ‘off label’ that is not how it was researched or was approved by the FDA) and now his apparently will be a week later on the 26th
I am still hopefully getting my shot tomorrow morning.
My husband and I just got our second COvid shot this morning.
Waiting to hear from Fauci all that can or might go wrong after being vaccinated. Fauci is the king of "Yes" "No" or "Maybe so". Why would anyone with an ounce of sense listen to this clown?
Anyway guess we are no more worse than we were before being vaccinated.
I believe he recommended that people get vaccinated, like you and your husband did. You must have felt what could go wrong from being vaccinated was better than what could go wrong with not being vaccinated. If you are so concerned about what can or might go wrong after being vaccinated I'd thought you would have researched it before getting TWO shots. Just saying I think you might consider owning some of your displeasure.
Great news Cathy !!!!
Eleonore, you don’t know how lucky you are, some people would kill to be in your position. I hope to get my first shot tomorrow. I feel good that I have waited for my turn legally because as Cathy pointed out, thousands of people in our state,PA, have been getting vaccines by jumping the line after friends and relatives have passed forms on. They finally devised a system to stop it, which I guess is why I got my appointment.
I can tell you about elderly people I know personally who are on active chemotherapy, have MS so badly they can hardly walk and so on, who can’t get a vaccine because of all the queue jumping.
Science evolves rapidly, I know since I had my initial training, almost everything is different these days, it’s up to scientist and medics, nurses etc to keep up to date and in addition let the public know that things have changed, like Fauci is doing. He hasn’t been clear at times to those who don’t understand much science. I admit, but it’s easy for anyone to research the genuine research out there
I was on the clinical trial for the Pfizer vaccine last fall. I learned the first week of February that I actually got THE vaccine. I was thrilled; otherwise, it could have been a while before I got the vaccine as I am 63.
Thank you Michael for your contribution to science and helping save so many lives. We need more people’s like you!
Cathy - did they have various color bandaids to roughly match hair color?