BKMD - Be sure to document your Walmart vaccination experience, since it will be your first visit to a Walmart. I'm sure you'll do a lot of shopping pre or post vaccination and become a poster child for the Walmart experience.
Yesterday my husband got his at a local Albertson grocery store who also gave us a 10% off coupon for shopping. Came in handy as I spent the time waiting for him picking up a few things. My sister and her husband were both scheduled at a different site but he didn't get his as they claimed he didn't have an appointment - in spite of having the texts and code verifying it. Hopefully he got it resked this morning. Sigh. Hearing of several others as well who got theirs.
Don't know about travel - especially international this year - but at least it feels like summer will be so much better.
Well, I was reckless yesterday and booked a trip....but don”t get excited...actually I’m over the moon!
It suddenly dawned on me that by mid April, we will both have had two vaccines plus the two weeks after for full benefit of the Covid vaccine. My husband was busy on a business zoom call, I had the brainwave...yep, even I get one occasionally. I decided to book a stay at the Congress Hall hotel in Cape May NJ for a Monday to Friday stay in the past week of April, before I clicked on a Bob returnable full payment of $1000, I shoved my iPad screen in front of my hubby.....he whispered from the corner of his mouth, you’re on camera British.....thankfully I was not in my famous swim suit Sam....he took a glance. gave me a thumbs up and I booked it. Looking forward to walks on the beach, the nature reserve and the light house. I can’t believe how excited I am and how fortunate I now am in having had part of the vaccine! We haven’t had a single dinner out all year, never had a take out meal, never had a night away from home!
Smiling Sam
BKMD - Be sure to document your Walmart vaccination experience, since it will be your first visit to a Walmart. I'm sure you'll do a lot of >shopping pre or post vaccination and become a poster child for the Walmart experience.
Will be leaving for the 'Mart shortly. I actually have a shopping list for a few odds and ends, as I presume they'll want me to hang around for 15 minutes. I doubt if any pics I take would be as exciting as a leopard in a tree...
Cathy - If it's an interesting colored Bandaid, I'll take a picture
BKMD - I actually have a shopping list for a few odds and ends, as I presume they'll want me to hang around for 15
Maybe Walmart vaccinations will be different, but they typically don't let you wonder around during your 15 minute wait period. You're expected to sit, under observation for the 15 minutes.
You just need to make a day out of your trip to Walmart. Get vaccinated, do some shopping, get something to eat. The total one-stop Walmart shopping experience!!!
We did make a day of yesterday including a stop at a credit union office that isn't a our main acct holder. Drove up and realized it didn't seem to be open. Sign on door said it would close 18 Mar, noted the closest alternative office and a phone number if you needed access to your safe deposit box. We only get into ours to put in/take out car titles or passports. Not something needed in quite awhile. Husband scratched his head about the date before realizing it was 18 Mar 2020. It's official - 2020 the lost year.
BKMD. I guarantee you will come out of that store with more than you planned to get!
I'm back. Other than a limp and constant drooling, I'm fine Second appt scheduled 4 weeks from today. Got the Moderna vaccine.
Cathy, band-aid not worth a pic.
British, I came out with exactly what I wanted. No more, no less. All I picked up were a few groceries. I was surprised prices weren't any better than my usual haunts. And actually bananas are cheaper at Whole Foods (49c/lb vs 55c/lb at WalMart).
Sam, you'll be pleased to know the Diet Coke shelves were fully stocked.
One thing I didn't like about the store was the push for self-checkout. There was one cashier with a long iine and 20-30 self-checkout lines. Normally, I won't use self-checkout. If a store employee approaches me, telling of its availability, I point at their shirt and say, "I'm not wearing one of those. I don't work here." But this time, I had no choice. I did need assistance on how to scan the bananas as there was no bar code.
Oh, and Sam, I think I'd actually been to a Walmart before, but just to the auto center for an oil change and not inside. As my current vehicle doesn't use oil, that's unlikely to be repeated.
There have been a few posts about the difficulty of finding a vaccine in MA. I concur. I thought that it would be weeks until I was able to secure an appointment. In an article in the newspaper this morning I was alerted to a website where you can sign up for alerts when a vaccine becomes available at one of the state sites. I signed up this afternoon (macovidvaccinefinder.org) and it worked wonderfully. When shots became available through St Vincent's hospital in Worcester, I was sent an email which directs you to the state site where you could easily sign up for a vaccine for next week. This was while the traditional entry to the site showed that it had not been updated for two days and still does! You don't give any personal or insurance information until you get into the state sign up website.
This guy is local to me and and at first it was Colorado only. Rhe site became so popular, he expanded coverage to the rest of the country. For some odd reason, some pharmacy and grocery store chains are blocking his site from scanning their availability.
CT is a mess with vaccine appointments. There are 5 different places/sites to try to schedule an appointment. There are two completely different phone numbers if you decide to go that route. They opened up 50-64 at the same time that they opened up to pre-K-12 educators and staff. We finally got our first appointment for April 7th. 5 weeks from now.
Our governor has also decided to start lifting capacity caps and lift the travel ban. What I’m really afraid of is that people will start becoming less vigilant because they’ve received both doses and made it past the two weeks, forgetting that many, many others haven’t reached that point.
Remember the dreadful stories about the WWII ship where the sailors were in the water with sharks and the worst point was right before they got picked up? That pretty much describes how I’m feeling right about now. It’s probably irrational, but there it is.
I completed understand where you are coming from mcmaj, having just got my first Pfizer dose a few days ago. Most people I know, some younger and some because they knew some who could get them an appointment, weeks ago, could not really care less whether I had the vaccine or not. Just this week, my two ‘ladies who lunch’ girlfriends, both already had their second vaccines and thought I was being unreasonable not wanting to have lunch with them yet. Yes, it makes you feel like a second class citizen.
Hang in there, because even when you get your first shot, it lifts your mood and outlook on life a full 100% Everyone who has already been vaccinated, please have some genuine empathy for those who have not and never forget how lucky you are.
Thank you, British. That was very nice to hear. I’m looking forward to some relief from a year of constant low-grade anxiety. I suppose I can wait 5 more weeks, though I’ll keep trying the pharmacies. There are all sorts of theories about what time they release new appointments. It reminds me of the discussions about the best day to book a flight. Lol.
Congrats to you and your husband Cathy.
British - I agree with you, we need to be more sympathetic towards those that haven't been vaccinated and appreciate a bit more how lucky are we who have.
Around here about 2% of those who are tested come back positive, and the vaccination protects you 95% of the time. It is a long time since I took ‘Statistics and Probability’, but that works out to a very low number. On the other hand, you can get tested ‘negative’ for covid, and acquire it ten minutes later. Maybe they will figure that out some day.
Has everyone received the email from Tauck about the new info on the website! It’s been there a while, but finally Tauck are telling people about it and how to locate it on the website. About time and I think it may be because of The input from Alan S
Got the email yesterday but still waiting to even find out if any trips like my river cruise in late May will occur. I don't want to go this year but when I called them the person told me I would lose some of my money already paid. Have not booked airfare yet. I will be fully vaccinated on this Saturday YEAH!!!
For those that didn't receive the email here is a link to the information on Travel Requirements and Planning. It can also be reach from the Tauck homepage via the Why Tauck selection, followed by the Travel and Health selection.
Good news! After fighting the websites of the CDC, state system, pharmacies, etc. my boss sent an email with a phone number to a local community health center that had extra doses they wanted to make sure got used. We get our first shot tomorrow!! The relief is palpable. Thank you again, for the supportive, and very kind, comments. We’re on our way to some semblance of safety.
Are you referring to the need to have a covid test prior to departure? Or to the link of CVS sites that are giving the vax? Dennis and I have had both, happily, and hope to board our flight to Switzerland in 96 days!
With all the constant updates coming about what is going to be permitted when you have been vaccination and the ramping up of vaccinations, I’m more confused than ever.
I don’t want to cancel our mid July Scandinavia tour and push it into July 2022, because I hate to lose a single cent of what I’ve paid out to Tauck and to miss an opportunity to travel, no way! My husband has visited all those countries but i haven’t.
Last night, our son asked us to join his family for a beach vacation in the US. We are settling into a pattern of one year with us and one year with the in-laws. We wanted to rent a house and it’s really hard to find anything already for a week in the summer. The only date available was our return date from Scandinavia. We said, go for it, we will unpack and repack immediate and drive there the next day. Crazy! The nearest we have gotten to this in the past was to return from Africa and four days later go to Galápagos. In that time, I had done all laundry, sorted out all mail, gotten to the hairdressers etc and went on the second trip no problem.
Of course, we await news from Tauck to see if our tour is canceled. I’m betting it will be. Norway certainly doesn’t want Americans there right now and vaccination in Scandinavia is way behind and that surprises me since they have great health care systems in place. So we wait a few more months longer to see if we are going to have a marathon summer. Either way, we are excited to spend some time away from our home.
We're all getting a crash course in vaccine administration. Read lots of different articles. Countries like Switzerland that have biotech research but not manufacturing. Germany which is generally very efficient but held up by attitudes towards data privacy and a medical system reliant on fax machines. If the US has enough vaccine for everyone who wants it by May will the vaccine availability speed up in Europe so that some tourist travel will be possible this year?
We're all going thru our own "if this then this" situation trying to predict what will be possible this year. Mine just changed again yesterday as my surgeons office had a cancellation for my knee surgery for the end of May. Cutting it close but it makes the possibility of me being physically able to make our Switzerland trip in Sep or at minimum make a trip to see in-laws possible in Aug.
My vaccine will probably be delayed as NM just announced they want schools open by 1 Apr so teaches and staff really need theirs. I can stay home and be safe while they get the protection they need - including my older brother who is a school bus driver.
Yikes, dentist, I had to have surgery on a tooth and a skin graft round it during this pandemic, it couldn’t wait. Thankfully I’m still here.
BKMD - Be sure to document your Walmart vaccination experience, since it will be your first visit to a Walmart. I'm sure you'll do a lot of shopping pre or post vaccination and become a poster child for the Walmart experience.
Got my second shot at Gillette (Foxboro MA) yesterday. They are very efficient, was in and out in 25 minutes (including a 15 minute rest period.
But the sign up process and available vaccine situation are disasters in MA.
Yesterday my husband got his at a local Albertson grocery store who also gave us a 10% off coupon for shopping. Came in handy as I spent the time waiting for him picking up a few things. My sister and her husband were both scheduled at a different site but he didn't get his as they claimed he didn't have an appointment - in spite of having the texts and code verifying it. Hopefully he got it resked this morning. Sigh. Hearing of several others as well who got theirs.
Don't know about travel - especially international this year - but at least it feels like summer will be so much better.
Well, I was reckless yesterday and booked a trip....but don”t get excited...actually I’m over the moon!
It suddenly dawned on me that by mid April, we will both have had two vaccines plus the two weeks after for full benefit of the Covid vaccine. My husband was busy on a business zoom call, I had the brainwave...yep, even I get one occasionally. I decided to book a stay at the Congress Hall hotel in Cape May NJ for a Monday to Friday stay in the past week of April, before I clicked on a Bob returnable full payment of $1000, I shoved my iPad screen in front of my hubby.....he whispered from the corner of his mouth, you’re on camera British.....thankfully I was not in my famous swim suit Sam....he took a glance. gave me a thumbs up and I booked it. Looking forward to walks on the beach, the nature reserve and the light house. I can’t believe how excited I am and how fortunate I now am in having had part of the vaccine! We haven’t had a single dinner out all year, never had a take out meal, never had a night away from home!
Will be leaving for the 'Mart shortly. I actually have a shopping list for a few odds and ends, as I presume they'll want me to hang around for 15 minutes. I doubt if any pics I take would be as exciting as a leopard in a tree...
Cathy - If it's an interesting colored Bandaid, I'll take a picture
BKMD. I guarantee you will come out of that store with more than you planned to get!
Maybe Walmart vaccinations will be different, but they typically don't let you wonder around during your 15 minute wait period. You're expected to sit, under observation for the 15 minutes.
You just need to make a day out of your trip to Walmart. Get vaccinated, do some shopping, get something to eat. The total one-stop Walmart shopping experience!!!
We did make a day of yesterday including a stop at a credit union office that isn't a our main acct holder. Drove up and realized it didn't seem to be open. Sign on door said it would close 18 Mar, noted the closest alternative office and a phone number if you needed access to your safe deposit box. We only get into ours to put in/take out car titles or passports. Not something needed in quite awhile. Husband scratched his head about the date before realizing it was 18 Mar 2020. It's official - 2020 the lost year.
I'm back. Other than a limp and constant drooling, I'm fine
Second appt scheduled 4 weeks from today. Got the Moderna vaccine.
Cathy, band-aid not worth a pic.
British, I came out with exactly what I wanted. No more, no less. All I picked up were a few groceries. I was surprised prices weren't any better than my usual haunts. And actually bananas are cheaper at Whole Foods (49c/lb vs 55c/lb at WalMart).
Sam, you'll be pleased to know the Diet Coke shelves were fully stocked.
One thing I didn't like about the store was the push for self-checkout. There was one cashier with a long iine and 20-30 self-checkout lines. Normally, I won't use self-checkout. If a store employee approaches me, telling of its availability, I point at their shirt and say, "I'm not wearing one of those. I don't work here." But this time, I had no choice. I did need assistance on how to scan the bananas as there was no bar code.
Oh, and Sam, I think I'd actually been to a Walmart before, but just to the auto center for an oil change and not inside. As my current vehicle doesn't use oil, that's unlikely to be repeated.
BKMD - Glad you got your shot. PS - I bought the last three 8-packs of Diet Coke at my local store today.
There have been a few posts about the difficulty of finding a vaccine in MA. I concur. I thought that it would be weeks until I was able to secure an appointment. In an article in the newspaper this morning I was alerted to a website where you can sign up for alerts when a vaccine becomes available at one of the state sites. I signed up this afternoon (macovidvaccinefinder.org) and it worked wonderfully. When shots became available through St Vincent's hospital in Worcester, I was sent an email which directs you to the state site where you could easily sign up for a vaccine for next week. This was while the traditional entry to the site showed that it had not been updated for two days and still does! You don't give any personal or insurance information until you get into the state sign up website.
Here's another useful site: https://www.vaccinespotter.org/
This guy is local to me and and at first it was Colorado only. Rhe site became so popular, he expanded coverage to the rest of the country. For some odd reason, some pharmacy and grocery store chains are blocking his site from scanning their availability.
CT is a mess with vaccine appointments. There are 5 different places/sites to try to schedule an appointment. There are two completely different phone numbers if you decide to go that route. They opened up 50-64 at the same time that they opened up to pre-K-12 educators and staff. We finally got our first appointment for April 7th. 5 weeks from now.
Our governor has also decided to start lifting capacity caps and lift the travel ban. What I’m really afraid of is that people will start becoming less vigilant because they’ve received both doses and made it past the two weeks, forgetting that many, many others haven’t reached that point.
Remember the dreadful stories about the WWII ship where the sailors were in the water with sharks and the worst point was right before they got picked up? That pretty much describes how I’m feeling right about now. It’s probably irrational, but there it is.
I completed understand where you are coming from mcmaj, having just got my first Pfizer dose a few days ago. Most people I know, some younger and some because they knew some who could get them an appointment, weeks ago, could not really care less whether I had the vaccine or not. Just this week, my two ‘ladies who lunch’ girlfriends, both already had their second vaccines and thought I was being unreasonable not wanting to have lunch with them yet. Yes, it makes you feel like a second class citizen.
Hang in there, because even when you get your first shot, it lifts your mood and outlook on life a full 100% Everyone who has already been vaccinated, please have some genuine empathy for those who have not and never forget how lucky you are.
Thank you, British. That was very nice to hear. I’m looking forward to some relief from a year of constant low-grade anxiety. I suppose I can wait 5 more weeks, though I’ll keep trying the pharmacies. There are all sorts of theories about what time they release new appointments. It reminds me of the discussions about the best day to book a flight. Lol.
Congrats to you and your husband Cathy.
British - I agree with you, we need to be more sympathetic towards those that haven't been vaccinated and appreciate a bit more how lucky are we who have.
CDC has posted guidelines for the Do's and Don'ts for fully vaccinated people.
Around here about 2% of those who are tested come back positive, and the vaccination protects you 95% of the time. It is a long time since I took ‘Statistics and Probability’, but that works out to a very low number. On the other hand, you can get tested ‘negative’ for covid, and acquire it ten minutes later. Maybe they will figure that out some day.
Has everyone received the email from Tauck about the new info on the website! It’s been there a while, but finally Tauck are telling people about it and how to locate it on the website. About time and I think it may be because of The input from Alan S
I haven't seen it.
Got it today via my TA
I haven’t seen it.
Got the email yesterday but still waiting to even find out if any trips like my river cruise in late May will occur. I don't want to go this year but when I called them the person told me I would lose some of my money already paid. Have not booked airfare yet. I will be fully vaccinated on this Saturday YEAH!!!
For those that didn't receive the email here is a link to the information on Travel Requirements and Planning. It can also be reach from the Tauck homepage via the Why Tauck selection, followed by the Travel and Health selection.
Good news! After fighting the websites of the CDC, state system, pharmacies, etc. my boss sent an email with a phone number to a local community health center that had extra doses they wanted to make sure got used. We get our first shot tomorrow!! The relief is palpable. Thank you again, for the supportive, and very kind, comments. We’re on our way to some semblance of safety.
Are you referring to the need to have a covid test prior to departure? Or to the link of CVS sites that are giving the vax? Dennis and I have had both, happily, and hope to board our flight to Switzerland in 96 days!
With all the constant updates coming about what is going to be permitted when you have been vaccination and the ramping up of vaccinations, I’m more confused than ever.
I don’t want to cancel our mid July Scandinavia tour and push it into July 2022, because I hate to lose a single cent of what I’ve paid out to Tauck and to miss an opportunity to travel, no way! My husband has visited all those countries but i haven’t.
Last night, our son asked us to join his family for a beach vacation in the US. We are settling into a pattern of one year with us and one year with the in-laws. We wanted to rent a house and it’s really hard to find anything already for a week in the summer. The only date available was our return date from Scandinavia. We said, go for it, we will unpack and repack immediate and drive there the next day. Crazy! The nearest we have gotten to this in the past was to return from Africa and four days later go to Galápagos. In that time, I had done all laundry, sorted out all mail, gotten to the hairdressers etc and went on the second trip no problem.
Of course, we await news from Tauck to see if our tour is canceled. I’m betting it will be. Norway certainly doesn’t want Americans there right now and vaccination in Scandinavia is way behind and that surprises me since they have great health care systems in place. So we wait a few more months longer to see if we are going to have a marathon summer. Either way, we are excited to spend some time away from our home.
We're all getting a crash course in vaccine administration. Read lots of different articles. Countries like Switzerland that have biotech research but not manufacturing. Germany which is generally very efficient but held up by attitudes towards data privacy and a medical system reliant on fax machines. If the US has enough vaccine for everyone who wants it by May will the vaccine availability speed up in Europe so that some tourist travel will be possible this year?
We're all going thru our own "if this then this" situation trying to predict what will be possible this year. Mine just changed again yesterday as my surgeons office had a cancellation for my knee surgery for the end of May. Cutting it close but it makes the possibility of me being physically able to make our Switzerland trip in Sep or at minimum make a trip to see in-laws possible in Aug.
My vaccine will probably be delayed as NM just announced they want schools open by 1 Apr so teaches and staff really need theirs. I can stay home and be safe while they get the protection they need - including my older brother who is a school bus driver.
How does that song go, "Beautiful dreamer, dah, dah, dah, dah . .

How is the new house going?